Monday, October 9, 2023

Alex mail 10-9-2023: "MEGAMART"


Hellooooo! Hope everyone is doing great! Another week in the books! Time went by pretty quick this week so I think that's a good sign of starting to get in the flow of things! It's been a solid week of working to find people and starting to see progress with those we teach. Definitely have seen God's hand a lot this week and I know he is directing his work every day. Here are some of the highlights from the week!

For P-day last Monday we went to the zoo in DC which was cool! I'll throw in some pictures down below, pandas and elephants were some of the favorites haha.

We spent a lot of time Tuesday and Wednesday trying to meet new people and it went pretty good. Met some cool people and even if not many progress we're planting seeds of faith I know the Lord has a plan for them!

On Tuesday we were also able to visit an older lady in our ward named Valerie and she's awesome! It was definitely a humbling experience she doesn't have very much and has a lot of health challenges but her faith is so strong! I've learned to never take all the blessings I've been given for granted, life could be a lot tougher. I also know that when we turn to God and Christ we can get through anything that comes our way!

Wednesday night we got to pray with like 15 little kids who were playing football in the street haha, so cool! I love the joy and light little kids have and just felt God's love for them!

Thursday we had zone conference which was amazing! So good to learn from President and our other leaders, we talked a lot about planning effectively and becoming missionaries who aren't just here but all in! Also played a money game of wiffle ball after which was hype haha

Friday was the highlight of the week and this is where the title comes in😂 I got to go to the Spanish area with my Spanish Dawgs in my district! It was super fun and so nice to actually practice speaking and teaching real people in Spanish! We went to a laundromat and we just talked to everyone seeing who would be interested! Our DL (district leader) Elder Eagan, gave me one example and then told me "alright you do the next one."  Talk about getting thrown in the fire haha. I was pretty nervous but it actually went solid! Elder Eagan helped me out a ton which I was grateful for but by the end I was feeling a lot more confident and could at least have some simple conversations with people! Latino people are awesome everyone will talk to you and they were all pretty patient with my broken Spanish which was nice😂

After the laundromat we went to "Megamart," soooo dope!! If you haven't heard of it it's basically the Latino version of Walmart hahaha but as soon as I walked in I was literally in Mexico. Everything is in Spanish, Mexican flags hanging everywhere, Latino products, a bin of live crabs walking around, you name it. 😁Super wild experience but so cool!! We also got a cleannnn photo outside its basically an album cover👀.

Quick spiritual thought for the week! In zone conference we talked a lot about the difference between sacrifice and being all in, sacrifice is choosing to show up and give up something to be there, but being all in and truly devoted means giving our all in the moment even when we don't know all that is required! I invite you all to reflect on your lives and see if there's any pieces you could better be all in, trusting in God's plan more than your own! I know he will magnify your efforts as you seek to give your all to him! Love you all hope you guys have a wonderful week! Always feel free to reach out with anything at all!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Sonrisa (Smile) I like this word it sounds like sunrise which kinda relates right?? Make someone's day brighter with your smile this week!

Invitation of the Month: GRATITUDE PRAYERS!! This month set a goal to say at least one prayer a day that is only gratitude! I promise as we make an effort to show God we're grateful for what he's given us he will bless us with what we stand in need of and help us recognize his hand even more!

Zoo in DC

Beautiful Maryland and Treasures of Odenton

Los Español Dawgs

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