Monday, March 11, 2024

Alex mail 03-11-2024: "Popular!!"


What's good everyone how was the weekkkk?? Hope it was a great one for each one of you! This week was pretty crazy, we had a lot of stuff including transfers! I found out on Tuesday that I would be leaving, and Elder Dominguez would be staying in Industrias. My new area is called Popular and is still here in San Luis! It's actually only like 15-20 minutes from my last area but I'm now in more of the downtown part of San Luis which will be really cool! It’s definitely got some nicer spots and some poorer spots but I'm really excited it seems like the work is going really well here and there's a lot of potential here! My new companion is Elder Wahlin from Arizona and he's at 20 months on the mission, so he's almost done! It'll be cool to be with someone with lots of experience and be able to get his tips on a lot of stuff! He's super nice and chill and wants to work hard so I'm excited it'll be a good transfer!

On Tuesday we got Las Ranas one last time, man I'm gonna miss that place those tacos were soooo fire! 😂  We also had a lesson with Carmen again and taught her about the importance of baptism and covenants and she loved it! It's always cool to see people connect the dots on why baptism is so important and done with proper authority and I love helping fill in those gaps and answering questions that people have always wondered! I'm so grateful for the complete, restored gospel of Jesus Christ on the earth today and to know we truly have all the answers!

Wednesday was a great last day in the area with some good contacts, phone calls, and lessons! Got everything packed up and then we had a family home evening with the GOATS, La Familia Ararat! Love this family so much! They were super welcoming when I first got to Mexico and made me feel right at home! Super grateful I got to know them and for all the laughs and fun times we shared with them! Tough saying goodbye but hopefully I'll get to visit them again after my mission! The mom, Hermana Diana also taught us how to make Arepas which were sooo good, so you already know we're whippin’ those up after the mission haha! 

Thursday we had transfers so in the morning headed over to the bus station to meet the new comp! Definitely tough saying goodbye to Dominguez and leaving Industrias, I loved my time there! Dominguez and I had a ton of fun together and did some really great work! Super grateful to have served with him and learn so much from his example to me! While it's tough leaving I'm super excited for our friends and members over in that ward they've got some amazing things in their futures! Also, kinda crazy but Elder Horoba (my MTC comp) is Dominguez' new comp! My boy just keeps taking all my comps haha, but I'm hyped for them Industrias is in good hands!

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday were all pretty similar, lots of visits with members and our friends just getting to know people and the area! It's definitely different having everything so close now and not having to walk 45 min each day into and back from the area like Industrias😂. Only tough part is that we definitely live in the smallest house in the mission hahaha its literally like 25-30 feet from the front door to the back wall. LOL. Went from one of the nicest houses in the mission in Industrias to the smallest 💀. Its hype though haha I love it! Everyone has been super kind and welcoming and I'm excited to get to work! There's definitely a lot of people with a lot of trials here but they're all so humble and ready to accept the gospel which is amazing to see! It's hard sometimes not being able to solve all their problems immediately but I am so grateful that I'm able to help others come unto Christ and accept his gospel! I know that through him is the only true way we can find lasting peace and joy and overcome any trial we face!

Unfortunately we didn't get to go in person to the new temple groundbreaking on Saturday😭, but we did get to watch it from our church building! And my Dawgs Horoba and Dominguez were there which was hype! It was so amazing, and the Spirit was so strong! The people here are so excited for a temple so close and the dedicatory prayer offered by Elder Douglas of the 70 was so powerful! Definitely a memory I'll cherish forever! It really helped me realize just how grateful I am to have so many temples so close back home, don't take it for granted! It is one of the greatest blessings we truly have, to be able to go to the house of the Lord and make covenants with him there!

It’s definitely a little weird to have church at 9 am again after having 4 pm hahaha but it was awesome! The ward is pretty small we only had about 50 people there but we're really going to focus on trying to bring back the less-active members this transfer! I also somehow became Ward Pianist - last minute so uh. wish me luck I haven't played the piano for a little bit but we survived 😅 😂. 

That's pretty much been the week! Lots of stuff and still just a lot of adjusting but I'm so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ! He's been right beside me every step of the way during my mission and I've felt him every single time I feel overwhelmed, stressed, nervous, or alone. I testify that He is ALWAYS right there, ready to help if we will just choose to turn to him! Love you all so much and so grateful for the love and support, it truly is what keeps me going! Hope you all have a great week, keep smiling, and reach out if you need anything at all! Les amoooooo!!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Jarritos! (little pitcher) Elder Dominguez and I made this connection this week haha but jarritos (the soda) comes from the word Jaro which means pitcher! Blew our minds 🤣 

Invitation of the Month: TEMPLE TIME!! My mom shared a really cool goal she has with me this week, to refer more to the temple as "The House of the Lord"! I love this, it's so true that when we put more focus on our Savior when we go to and refer to His house, we will see Him more! How can you make the House of the Lord more of a priority this week? I loved taking time to just ponder my covenants this week! Even though I can't go in person right now, I'm so grateful for the covenants I've made there and the power available to each one of us!

**New District**

**Skeleton homie (Manny) / Milesssss**


**Our Chapel has carpet! / Deadly schockwire on shower ☠🤣 / Kachowww**

**The Tiangis / Popular!**

**The Columbian GOATS / First Mexican Corn!**

**Goodbye to Dominguez**

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