Monday, March 25, 2024

Alex mail 03-25-2024: "Kim's Baptism!!"


Buenos Díassss! How was everyone's week? I hope you guys had another great one and are enjoying the spring weather! This week was super special, on Saturday we were able to have the Baptism of our friend Kim! And on Sunday she was confirmed a member of the church! I'll tell you guys more about how it went down and the other highlights from the week but first I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all the prayers and support for her! We saw a ton of miracles this week leading up to her Baptism and I know it's all because of the amazing faith of you guys!

OK quick funny story, one day we were walking down the street, and this older guy came up to us and started asking about the church. After like 5 minutes he randomly asked if he could buy our visas off of us because he wanted to go to America. 💀😂  After we told him no he just left, lol so random haha.

We had some really, really good visits with both active and less-active members this week! There's a lot of members and families going through a lot of trials and health challenges in this ward and it’s just been amazing to constantly be testifying of the hope and healing offered by our Savior Jesus Christ! We had the opportunity to give a good amount of priesthood blessings and I'm just so grateful and amazed at the truly wonderful gift we have, to serve with God's power here on the earth!

Definitely one of the most powerful lessons I think I've had on my mission happened with an amazing less-active member this week! We've been trying to visit this family and just have never been able to get in contact with them. After having like 4 sets of plans fall through, haha, we felt inspired to just try one more time. We were able to visit with the dad and learned that his wife passed away 5 months ago very unexpectedly and he just hasn't come to church since. In this moment I just felt an immense love for this man and his family and I know without a doubt this was a glimpse of God's love for his children. Elder Wahlin and I were able to share a message that was very spirit-led, bringing tears to all of our eyes. I'm so eternally grateful for the plan of salvation and to know that no matter what trials we pass through in this life, we truly will live with our families forever if we choose to follow Christ and His gospel!

We were also had zone conference this week! Always so amazing to learn from President and Hermana Webb! We focused a ton on having faith in the work and really involving the Savior in all that we do! Such a great day and super spirit-filled, especially with Easter coming up! Also, gotta see a good amount of my MTC boys that are now here in San Luis, which was super fun!

OK, now the moment you've all been waiting for, Kim's Baptism! Throughout the week we were able to get everything ready and on Saturday we went in the morning to fill up the font. The font in our building is wild, haha, definitely filled it in record time it took only like 30 minutes to fill completely! However, like an hour before the baptism we go to check it and the water was green 💀.  With only an hour left we didn't have time to drain it and refill it (since the pump was the problem anyways) so we said some quick prayers and tried our best to clean it, haha. Luckily the water actually wasn't dirty it was just kinda green for some reason 🤣. So we were able to still do the baptism even with some slightly green water! Definitely a miracle and everything else went pretty smoothly! We had a ton of support from the ward with lots of people showing up and it was just such a spiritual moment! Kim is so awesome her testimony is so, so solid, especially for only meeting the missionaries 1 month ago! She was able to bring her mom to her Baptism and then her confirmation and we're hopeful that we'll be able to start teaching the rest of her family soon as well! I'm so grateful for the opportunity I had to help her in her journey back to our Savior and I'm so grateful for our covenants that bind us to him!

It was also a miracle that she was able to be confirmed on Sunday! Originally, we thought she would have to work but miraculously her schedule changed, and she was able to make it and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost! I testify that the Lord's hand truly is in this work and in each one of our lives! All we need to do is strive to give our all and He will make up the rest! Love you guys tons and hope you have an amazing Easter week! I'm so grateful for this time of year and the opportunity to remember our Savior's sacrifice and resurrection for every single one of us! What can you do this week to strengthen your relationship and gratitude for him? Love you guys, keep smiling and have a wonderful week!

Love, Elder McDonald

 Word of the Week: Andar de Mojado (To live illegally in the US) 💀 🤣  Dont ask me how in Mexican slang a phrase that literally means "walking wet" actually is used to refer to people living illegally in the US but we met a few people this week who said it 😂 

 Invitation of the Month: TEMPLE TIME!! Last week of the month! How can you finish strong this week and make the House of the Lord and your covenants a bigger priority! I had lots of time to reflect on all the blessings we've been given because of our covenants this week because of Kim's Baptism.  I'm just astounded at truly all the blessings we have been promised from our loving Heavenly Father!

**Kim's Baptism** 

**El Centro**

**Oxxo Sunset/ The Running GOAT/ Green Water 💀**

**The GOATS = Elders Horoba & Dominguez**

**MTC Zone Conference Reunion!**

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