Monday, August 5, 2024

Alex mail 08-05-2024: "One Year!!"


Happy August everybodyyyyy!! Hope it's been a super fun week for you all! And yep, that's right I can hardly believe it haha but this Wednesday, August 7th, I will officially hit the 1-year mark as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! I can't ever put into words or have enough time to express the amazing blessing this past year has been in my life or the immense lessons I've learned but I’ll try and mention some of the main ones haha! Over this past year I have learned and am continuing to learn that; The Book of Mormon truly is the word of God and has power, that God truly is mindful of every single one of his children in every part of the world, that ANYONE can change and overcome any trial, that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is personal and life-changing, that the Priesthood truly is God's power to bless in His name, the power of sincere prayer, a glimpse of the pure love God has for His children, how to laugh through any situation, how to eat food I would never have considered eating before the mission, how to find joy in the little things, how to develop a personal relationship with the Savior, how to recognize daily miracles, coming to love serving others, and most importantly that Jesus Christ LIVES! That this is HIS WORK, HIS GOSPEL, and HIS CHURCH! Nothing is more important than putting our Savior first and I am forever grateful for the decision to serve a mission, this truly has been the best year of my life and I can't wait for year 2!

Now for some quick highlights from the week haha, on Thursday Elder Smullin and I got to go down to San Luis for a meeting and I got to see some old comps I haven't seen in a few months and just some amazing missionaries! Learned a ton about how we can better lead and correct with love, be constant examples of Christ, and find joy and have faith in every aspect of this work! Super spiritual and super fun time, and even ended it off with getting a picture with all the blonde people there (including Hermana Webb 😂).

We also did a family home evening activity with our branch on Friday night back here in Matehuala! Let's just say the Bishopric fashion-show, and Book of Mormon skit-in-a-bag, brought the house down 😏😂 took me back to my DC days and our weekly ‘Noche-de hogars’ haha it was super fun! Super awesome to help people see that the gospel is a gospel of joy! Make sure to keep smiling and keep laughing!

And then for P-day this week we went to ‘Real de Catorce’ out here in Matehuala! It's an old mining town that's up in the mountains and it was sick! First hike I've done in a year haha but super cool to see the old Mexican town vibes! Love you all and hope you have a great week! In the words of the famous coach Waggs, time to drop the hammer and get after it! Year 2 let's get it!!

Con mucho amor, Elder McDonald

Invitation of the Month: LOVE INSTEAD OF JUDGE!! New month, new invitation babyyy! This month we're gonna focus on just showing love in all that we do, always seeking to not judge and just give others the benefit of the doubt! We got this!

Word of the week: Pueblo Fantasma (Ghost town) Real de Catorce was the first ghost town I've been to in Mexico, 10/10 would recommend haha.

**Real de Catorce!**

**Elder Ramsayyy, Elder Dominguez, Elder Sanchez my Mexican Pops, Elder Baugh**

**Get that corn outta my face / I gotchu ma / Drip wedding car**

**District gang / Hermana Webb the goat**


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