Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Alex mail 09-16-2024: "Día de Independencia!!


What's good everyoneeeee!! Hope everyone had an awesome week! Today we celebrated Independence Day here in Mexico and it was awesome! We had a huge Zone P-day and had tons of food, Mexican games, Mexican line dances, lol, played some good old futbol, sang the national anthem, and finished the day off with the classic piñatas! Definitely a day I will never forget in the mission and super fun to experience the culture! Mexico really is just the best haha!

 It was a super awesome week and Elder Hunter and I saw a ton of miracles! We had exchanges up in Matehuala on Tuesday and Wednesday, which was super fun to be back in the old area! I got to go with Elder Nygren on Tuesday and run it back with my dawg Elder Smullin on Wednesday! Elder Nygren and I had a ton of laughs and I learned a ton from his ability to make everyone smile and feel comfortable and just spread joy! And then my boy Elder Smullin is just an absolute work horse, haha, it was a ton of fun to just go out and grind like we used to! Super awesome to see the area and some of the members and friends I was teaching and so grateful for my time in Matehuala!

Something that Elder Hunter and I have been focusing on a lot is how we can increase the Spirit that we teach with, and we saw a ton of miracles from it this week! The first thing we tried was singing hymns to start and finish lessons, especially with the families that we're teaching! The Spirit was so strong, and it was amazing to see the big change something as simple as music could bring!  The other thing was saying more gratitude prayers! We always tried to just say prayers of gratitude whenever we saw miracles, and so we were constantly stopping in the street to pray, and it was special! We were able to recognize God's hand so much more and just have so much joy in the work, give it a try!

Finally, one of the biggest miracles that we saw this week was with a new family of 3 that we found! One night we had about 1 hour left of work and didn't really have much to do since some lessons had fallen through. We decided to go visit a reference we got, to see if they were home, and ended up teaching a super Spirit-filled lesson focused on the Savior and His Atonement with this amazing family! We were able to set baptismal dates with all of them, and it was just a huge miracle and testimony builder to me of just trying to give our all and trust in the Lord, even when we don't know where it might end up! I can truly testify this is the greatest work on the earth and I am so, so grateful to be a missionary! Love you all and have a fantastic week!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Grito (Shout) we gotta do the classic “Independence Day” shout for Mexico, ya already know it went crazy 😏 

Invitation of the Month: PREACH MY GOSPEL!! Another one of my favorite chapters is chapter 3! Obviously, it's the lessons we teach as missionaries, but I love how simple it makes the gospel! When we focus on teaching and building faith in the basics, our testimony will continuously grow!

**Dia de independencia!!**

**Nygren & Yolanda**

**Smullinnnn /Matehuala bulk season/ Suspender Drip 💀**

**American store run / Bee movie game 👀**

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