Monday, October 7, 2024

Alex mai10-07-2024: "GETHSEMANE"


What's up everyone how we doing? Hope everyone had an amazing conference weekend! I LOVED General Conference, it was sooo good! So many amazing talks and I loved all the themes of Joy! Joy in the gospel, joy in repentance, and joy in the Savior! Along with that this week's title has a few different meanings. First of all, by far the best song in all of the sessions was "Gethsemane" by the children's choir! The Spirit was so strong and so cool to see that army of angels testifying of Christ! And as was mentioned several times in conference, I'm so grateful for the amazing gift of the Savior's atoning sacrifice and the joyful blessing of repentance! I want to reemphasize President Nelson's invitation to study the atonement these next 6 months! I promise you will gain a much deeper and personal relationship with the Savior as you do so!

We had transfers this last week and Hunter and I are running it back for a 2nd! We're super excited and are just hyped to keep the momentum going and keep seeing miracles! For the work though, it was a pretty weird week haha.  We only had about 1 & 1/2 days in our area which meant we were running to try and fit in the most important visits and lessons that we could. On Wednesday, we were at the bus station - literally all day welcoming and sending off missionaries for transfers (gotta love Latino bus time lol). On Thursday, we went back to the bus station to get all the new missionaries. Friday, we had a 9am-3pm zoom-meeting, and Saturday and Sunday we had General Conference! While it was a lot of time out of our area, we were still able to see so many miracles and have some awesome lessons with some amazing families! I testify that the Lord will magnify our efforts as we will just do our best to give him our all, whatever that might look like!

I just want to end by sharing my testimony that the Leaders of the church, the apostles and prophets are truly called from God.  They lead and direct us under God's watchful care today! Some of my favorite talks were Sister Kirstin Yee, Brad Wilcox the GOAT, President Nelson of course, Elder Patrick Kearon, and Elder Jorge Alvarado! I promise that whatever doubt or question you might have, as you diligently seek the words of the prophets, you will be guided and directed in all things! Have an amazing week and love you all so much!!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Pintura (painting) I loveddd the example of the painting in sister Yee's talk! I promise that God is not finished with you and has so much more in store than you can imagine!

Invitation of the Month: FOLLOW THE SPIRIT!! I hope everyone was able to receive revelation during conference, now the invitation is to act on it! Trust the Spirit and move forward in faith! 

**Trio Poderoso 👀/ Hour 12 of waiting in the bus station 😭**

** In da Streets / Ghostbusters Krispy Kreme**

**Amazing artwork**

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