Friday, August 25, 2023

Alex mail 8-25-2023 "VIBES ARE HIGH!!


Hello Everyone!! This week has been so, so amazing!! In the words of my companion Elder Horoba, the vibes are high!! It's seriously been so spiritual and we're learning so much! I'm super happy to be here learning how to share the gospel and I know this is the most important work on the earth today!

Sundays here are AMAZING!! Sooooo spiritual! We had sacrament meeting in the morning with our branch (like 80 missionaries) and then Horoba and I taught a mini 5-minute lesson in priesthood haha. We talked about having faith in Jesus Christ and after all the practice-teaching we've done this past week a 5 minute lesson was light-weighttttt. In the afternoon we did what's called "go and do" and I won't spoil it for the soon to be missionaries who haven't done it yet, but it was such a spiritual afternoon, and I learned a ton about personal revelation! That evening we had a devotional about becoming true disciples of Christ by keeping the first great commandment to love God! We also focused on the talk by Elder Holland titled "The first great commandment" where he explains a story about a conversation between Peter and Christ and it's so amazing!! If you haven't heard it or read it recently go do it.  It's super powerful! At the end of the devotional we all stood (like 1,500 missionaries) and sang "As Sisters in Zion/We'll Bring the World His Truth" medley and guys, the spirit was actually so strong! I gained such a witness that this is exactly where I need to be and to be all in!! After the devotional we met as a district and reflected on what we felt and literally everyone was crying just feeling the Spirit so strongly, so, so cool!

On Tuesday we had our general authority devotional and Elder Johnson of the 70 and his wife spoke to us! They talked about not just teaching the doctrine of Christ, but truly living it! We also sang in the choir which was dope!! Even though there were 1,150 missionaries in it we definitely carried!  hahaha. It was super cool though to be a part of it!!

Classes this week have been really good! It was our last week in English - so we just finished up a lot of the teaching lessons in preach my gospel and had a tonnn of practice teaching! Elder Horoba is dialedddd (another one of his favorite sayings haha). But we're clicking super well together and learning a ton on how to testify together! Our district is super awesome too.  We have a ton of fun together but also we can get super spiritual which is great!

I ran some basketball and volleyball a lot this week too! Basketball can get intense there's definitely some serious D-1 athletes here but it's super fun to play with em. haha. Volleyball is sick too definitely a favorite!

The food isn't great but for the most part it's not horrible. Haha. We did have BYU creamery ice cream one night though and that was moneyyyy. Chocolate milk is definitely a highlight too.

We start our full immersion in Spanish tomorrow which is exciting! It'll be tough but I'm super excited to really start learning the language! Hasta luego ingles!! Hope ya’ll have a great week!! Love ya’ll!

Word of the week: Oración (prayer) this week we learned how to pray in Spanish and it was really cool! I know God wants to speak to us - all we need to do is reach out!

Invitation of the Month: SMILE!! As we've gotten more into Spanish this week I've realized the universal language is laughter and smiling! It makes everything better keep it up!!

Love Elder McDonald

  • Pictures:
  • 1. Elite view
  • 2 and 3. Insane murals of Moses!!
  • 4. The good stuffff
  • 5. My comp Elder Horoba!
  •  Video: Just the Samoan district doing the Haka before leaving. Absolutely wildddd


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