Friday, September 1, 2023

Alex mail 9-1-2023 "¿entienden?"


Hello, hello!! How's everyone's week been?? I hope ya’ll are doing great! This past week has flownnnn by! Time seriously doesn't work here it's funny but it's good! We're staying super busy, so the days go by quick ha,ha. This last week we started full Spanish immersion which has been really awesome! Basically, for all of our classes (6-7 hours a day) our teachers and us are only allowed to speak Spanish! It's definitely tough sometimes but we've learned so much in just 1 week! I feel like I learn the most just from listening to my teachers speak and feel like I'm getting better day by day! If you're wondering about the title of the email, "¿entienden?" means "do you all understand?" It's a question we hear all the time in class haha and half the time it's followed by a "sí, muy bien" and half the time it's a blank stare haha good times.

On the downside the MTC Sickness hit this past week which was tough. It was inevitable though with how many people are here and luckily it wasn't that bad. I'm good now though so hopefully that's it for the rest of my time here haha.

Our devotional Tuesday was by Sister and President Godoy of the 70 and it was really cool! We sang in the choir again which was dope! Sang an arrangement of "Armies of Helaman" which was fireeee. President Godoy talked about his personal conversion story and it was really cool to see how he is still so excited about the gospel and the joy it brings so many years later! Definitely got us fired up to go share that joy with others!

In class we've just been learning a lot about how to say certain things and phrases in Spanish, but we've also learned a lot about prayer and testimony which has been cool! Even though I don't have all the vocabulary I want, I've realized that just trying my best in Spanish makes my prayers and testimony a lot more sincere! That's something I definitely want to keep improving on!

One last thought I want to leave with ya’ll that I really liked in my personal study this week. In Elder Haynie's talk from the April 2023 General Conference "A living prophet for the latter days", he shares the simple but powerful statement "knowing by revelation that there is a living prophet on the earth changes everything." I know that Russel M. Nelson truly is the prophet of God and following his guidance brings so much peace and joy! Love you all - have a great week!!

Elder McDonald

Word of the week: Mira (telling someone to look) this word is just fun to yell haha it's become one of our district's favorite, credit Elder Mabey for starting it (pictured below)

Invitation of the Month: SMILE!! Last week of this invitation, end on a good note!! Focus on the good in your day and spread light!


1. Las Montañas 

2. Elder Mabey with a beautiful view

3. Awesome picture of Christ

4. Respecto! ... no respeto

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