Saturday, September 16, 2023

Alex mail 9-15-23 "¡Habla su idioma!"


¡Holaaaaaa! How's everyone's week been?? I hope you all are doing great! This past week has gone by crazy fast once again! Classes are pretty similar each day but I'm having a lot of fun learning Spanish! It's definitely tough at times but I feel like I made a lot of good progress this last week which was cool! Just taking it one day at a time haha little by little! We've also done a lot of fun games and practices in classes which definitely make the daily grind a lot easier.

On Sunday instead of our usual devotional we had a musical one by Jennie Oaks Baker and her family which was awesome! She's the daughter of President Oaks of the first presidency and she's insane at the violin! Super cool and really spiritual!

On Tuesday we had Elder Natress and his wife here for our general authority devotional from the 70. They talked about being confident in Jesus Christ and his work, not being afraid, and just having faith in all we do! Super hype and motivating! I always love the Tuesday night devotionals they're always so good!

On Wednesday we started what's called "Speak Your Language" (Habla su idioma en español) which basically means for our next week here we have to speak Spanish at all times, unless the person we're speaking to doesn't speak Spanish. It's definitely been a grind at times especially outside of class haha but it's definitely great practice for the field and we're doing alright! Can't believe I just have one week here left it's crazy!

Quick spiritual thought this week is from the talk "Lord, I Believe" by Elder Holland from April 2013 general conference. One of my favorite quotes is "In moments of fear or doubt or troubling times, hold the ground you have already won, even if that ground is limited. Hold fast to what you already know and stand strong until additional knowledge comes". I know that faith is something we build throughout our lives and when we encounter trials, rely on what we already know and just desire to gain more! When we do this I know that God will bless us and give us the strength and comfort we need!

Love you all hope you guys have a phenomenal week and always feel free to reach out if you guys need anything at all!! ¡Nos vemos!

P.S. might not send an email next week because I probably will be traveling to D.C. on Thursday or Friday so my pday will probably switch

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the week: Inquebrantable (Unbreakable) I'm stealing this one from our teacher haha but it's just a dope word 😂 I know with Christ we are Unbreakable!

Invitation of the Month: FOLLOW THE PROPHET! How did week 1 go?? I've worked on studying a lot more general conference talks while here in the MTC and they've brought me so much peace, joy, and strength into my life! The words of our prophets are truly the words of God today! Keep it up!


1. Trying to watch the BYU game from the 6th floor (didn't work very well haha)
2. Love this painting of Christ
3. The official tagsss
4. The squadddd!! Love you all you guys are the best!!

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