Saturday, September 9, 2023

Alex mail 9-8-2023 "Your Reassignment Is..."


Hi Everyone!! This week has been awesome but it's flownnn by! Classes each day are pretty similar, mostly just learning Spanish and practicing teaching which has been cool! I've learned a tonnn this past week and each day I get a little more confident with speaking! The Spirit is definitely helping me out I couldn't do it on my own!

Today I got my reassignment for where I'll go in 2 weeks if my Mexico visa isn't in yet by then. Drumroll pleaseeee... Washington D.C. North!! I'm super excited about it if I do end up there! I don't know a ton about it ha,ha but I heard from an elder that lives there that my mission is the actual city of Washington D.C. and most of Maryland which would be really cool! There's still a chance that I'll go to Mexico right away if my visa comes in this next week but, if not, I'll go to D.C. until it gets in! Honestly, I'm great either way I know the Lord has a plan for me and I'll go where he needs me to be! And serving in 2 places would actually be super cool!

This past Tuesday for our devotional we had Elder Gary E. Stevenson from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles come!! It was sooo amazing! He talked about being all-in on this work, how this work is the greatest work on the earth, and how much we need to rely on the scriptures in our daily lives!! The entire time I could just feel so strongly that he was a direct representative of Jesus Christ and felt his testimony hit me so strong! The Apostles truly are special witnesses of Jesus Christ!

On Wednesday we got to help welcome the new missionaries that got here which was really cool! Wild to think that was me just 3 weeks ago but it was cool to hopefully give ‘em some good advice!

One quick spiritual thought I want to share is from the talk "Christlike Poise" by Mark A. Bragg. He say’s "Spiritual poise blesses us to stay calm and focused on what matters most, especially when we are under pressure." I know that Jesus Christ is our perfect example and as we do our best to follow him, He will bless us to withstand all the storms around us and be calm and confident no matter the situation! Turn to him each day! I invite you all to study this talk it’s a really, really good one!

Today after going to the temple for P-day I got to see my sister, Kimber and my Mom!! (Who were down in Provo) Definitely the best highlight of the week I love my family and am so grateful for the knowledge that we will live together forever! Love you all, have a great week! Feel free to reach out if you need anything at all!!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the week: Gozo (Joy!!) I love this word! It doesn't mean just happiness, joy is everlasting! I know that true joy comes through following Jesus Christ and his Gospel.

Invitation of the Month: FOLLOW THE PROPHET! This month's invitation will hopefully get us all ready for General Conference next month! I invite you guys each day to work to follow the prophet, whether that's study a general conference talk, study the scriptures, or apply one of their teachings into your lives. I would love to hear what you guys do each day! I promise as you do this, this upcoming general conference will be so spiritually uplifting for you and very meaningful and beneficial!


1. Love the Utah mountains
2, 3, and 4. ¡Mi Familia!

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