Monday, October 2, 2023

Alex mail 10-2-2023: "Trust in God's Plan"


What up what up!! How's everyone doing? It's been a solid week here! Definitely getting a little more used to the flow of mission-life each day which is good! We've focused a lot this week on finding new people to teach and we've had some good talks with a few people! Being in a mostly residential area can make it tough to find lots of people but I've been able to see God's hand directing us and leading us to those who are more ready to hear our message which is super cool! I think the big lesson I've learned this week is God has a plan, we just need to focus on our effort and trust that the best outcome will come in His time! It's been a pretty busy week so here are some highlights...

Last pday on Monday we went into DC and got to go to the American History Museum, the National Art Museum, and the Capitol Building which were all super sick!

On Tuesday we had practice for our missionary choir! We're practicing for Christmas and we're singing "Hallelujah" from Handel's Messiah 😮 it's a super cool song but it's crazy tough, wish us luck! 😂 

On Wednesday, we had our first district council which was cool! Our district is 3 trios, us, a set of sisters, and some Spanish élderes. The Spanish elders are helping me out a ton with Spanish and hopefully I'll get to go on exchanges with them once a week to get some good practice teaching in Spanish! Another example of God taking care of the little things, he's got a plan!

After district council on Wednesday we went to Chick-Fil-A 😋  if you know me, you know I love my Chick-Fil-A! It was phenomenal 😂 after lunch we did exchanges with our Zone Leaders and I got to go to Annapolis for the day! I was with one of our ZL's named Elder Belnap who's also from Idaho which was cool! We visited an awesome guy named Gabriel from Pakistan and got him on date for baptism! I didn't really do much haha but cool that I could be there when he made that commitment! We also went knocking in the ghetto back streets of Annapolis 😬 but it was actually so fun! The people were all so humble, nice, and loved talking about God! We also got to play some football real-quick with a bunch of little kids haha, so fun, they were full of so much joy and light!

Thursday we had new missionary training which took most of the day, super good to learn from President and Sister Clarke! We also had our first lesson Thursday night! With my boy Jeremiah he's a legend haha, he's 19 and has a lot of faith in God and Christ! Keep him in your prayers hopefully he keeps progressing!

Friday we did a ton of service which was good! I've realized how much joy comes from helping those in need - super cool to see!

Saturday and Sunday was General Conference, so fireeee! We got to watch at our mission home with President, at the temple visitor center, and then with a family in our ward. I loved all of the talks and it was cool this was one of the first times I took sincere questions into Conference and I got a ton of answers! I testify the Holy Ghost is waiting to teach us, we just have to make a diligent effort to listen. Some of my favorite talks were President Nelson's, Elder Quentin L. Cook's, and Elder Joaquin E. Costa's. If you haven't had the chance to listen yet no worries! I just invite you to go back and give it a listen! I also invite everyone to keep studying these talks over the next 6 months and see how God speaks to us through his prophet and leaders of His church!

Love you all! Sorry for the long email haha, but hope y'all are doing great and feel free to reach out any time at all!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Albedrío (agency) one of the greatest gifts God has given us is our agency! We get to choose who we will follow, meaning when we choose to follow God, he is so much happier and will bless us immensely!

Invitation of the Month: FOLLOW THE PROPHET!! Take some time this week to reflect on what you learned from conference, both individually and with your family! Also set some goals on how you will keep studying these talks the next 6 months.

*DC P-day Adventures

* Chick-Fil-A with the District

* Conference at Mission Home & Comps = Elder Sanders (Blond curly)  Elder Koester (Dark hair)

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