Monday, October 23, 2023

Alex mail 10-23-23: "Sombrero Gets Bodied💀"


Holaaaaa!! Cómo están? Hope you all have had a fantastic week! Can't believe it's already another p-day, time is movin' out here! It's been another great week full of small but powerful miracles! Also had a ton of great lessons, dinners, and interactions with members this week which was super cool!

On Tuesday we had new missionary training, part-2, talked about adjusting to missionary life, had a super powerful testimony meeting, and got to hear from President Clarke! Love that guy, such a powerful teacher and example!

Wednesday had a super awesome phone call with my man Matt, who we met last week! Had a great talk about the importance of baptism and helped clear up a lot of questions he had about it and the Book of Mormon! Also cool to help him see he doesn't have to take our word for it, he can take it to God and ask him for what's true, just like we all can each day! Also had a hilarious visit with an older member in our ward from the UK, he opened the door, told us he didn't have time to talk, and then told us stories for like 15 minutes without us saying anything ðŸ˜‚so funny haha shoutout to my sister Kimber, - the East Coast ramble is realllll!

Thursday had a fire district council about consecrating our time to the Lord and then had my first interview with President! So cool to sit down with him, one-on-one, get to know him, and just feel such a strong Spirit as we testified and counseled together! Day ended on a bitter sweet moment, we passed-off my boy Jeremiah, to the YSA (young single adult) Elders. It went super well though and the YSA ward and resources there will be so good for him! He'll always have a special place in my heart as my first ever lesson, dawg for life!

Friday realized we had a screw in our car tire and spent the morning sitting in a "Firestone store" haha good times. In the afternoon had really good experiences being bold and inviting everyone we talked to to come to church and just come and see!

Saturday did exchanges with the Spanish Elders, except this time our DL and I switched places so it was me and 2 other pretty new guys running the Spanish area by ourselves. It actually went really good though and had some really good experiences finding people outside good-ol' Megamart! Met a dude from Guatemala who met with missionaries 40 years ago, loved the Book of Mormon but lost it, and was so happy when we gave him one for free! So cool to see that Book light up his life. We went whiteboarding that night and asked people the question, "If you could talk to God right now what would you ask him?" We got some funny answers but also some really good ones that led to us testifying!

Sunday had the primary program, love seeing the joy, faith, and light of those little but powerful kids! Also,  gotta help out in primary 2nd hour and play some sharks and minnows, some of those kids got wheels haha so fun.

Quick spiritual thought for the week comes from Alma 26 in the Book of Mormon! This chapter is so powerful its basically the missionary Ammon's Homecoming talk haha. I invite you all to read it this week and reflect on how you've seen God's power and the fruits of your labors each day! Love you all have a great week and always feel free to reach out! Hasta luego!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: semilla (seed) I know I've said it before but I'm super grateful for Heavenly Father helping me recognize my efforts that are planting seeds of faith in the lives of others! I promise you are all doing so much more than you realize to bless others, pray to see those seeds of faith!

Invitation of the Month: GRATITUDE PRAYERS!! Any changes y'all have seen by being more grateful in your prayers? I know that for me I've become a lot more grateful for the little things each day the Lord blesses us with! I'd love to hear what you all are grateful for let me know if you have the chance!

Caught in 4k 👀 & R.I.P. Sombrero Wind blew it to top of Megamart!

"Whiteboard ganggg"

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