Monday, October 30, 2023

Alex mail 10-30-2023: "Trunk or Treat!πŸŽƒπŸ‘»"


Hey everybody! Hope the week has been great! Also Happy Halloween! Crazy we're already to the end of October haha you know what that means though... time for Christmas music πŸ‘€this week has been crazy busy but full of really fun times and some cool tender mercies! Here are some highlights!

Tuesday we got to do service at the county food bank which was super fun! Kinda sketchy and creepy though haha, The food bank is at an old abandoned mental hospital campus. Not even joking it's literally in the kitchen of the mental hospital, it was wild 😧 - glad we were there during the day haha. We got to load up their mobile food pantry it's basically a big food truck that delivers groceries to people who can't go to the store for themselves, super cool!

Throughout the week we were handing out fliers for our ward trunk or treat and had one of the funniest rejections I've seen so far. This like 80 year old lady answers, we tell her we're inviting people to our church party, free food and free games all that stuff, and then she proceeds to tell us she doesn't celebrate Halloween because it's antichristian and how dare we be associated with such an evil holiday and slammed the door. It was so funny and unexpected my companions and I were dying laughing afterwards but hey, all good I respect your opinion lady hahaha.

Had a lot of really awesome member dinners this week! I love how no matter where you go throughout the world the church culture is the same and people are so welcoming and caring, super awesome!

Thursday we made a trail at bacon ridge. Yep you read that right we actually made the trail ourselves haha it was pretty fun though! Cut down a lot of trees and bushes, it was beautiful when we were done with it we're basically pros haha.

Had a great lesson with the Henry family, Dwayne, Tameka, and Dequan! Had a great talk about prayer and how we can literally have a conversation with our Heavenly Father! Super awesome family keep 'em in the prayers!

Friday we had our ward trunk or treat and we went all out! We were the judges for the chilly cook-off and only like 1 was actually gross so that's good πŸ˜‚and then we decorated our trunk to hand out candy. Went with the avengers theme and had a game where the kids threw Thor's hammer and had to knock down the cardboard bad guys it was a big hit haha. And yeah the captain America Shield was homemade we like thatπŸ˜πŸ˜‚had a super cool phone call with our friend Anna! She had some really cool miracles that led her to us and we were able to have a really good talk about prayer and how we can rely on Christ during difficult times!

Saturday got to go to the Spanish area and had my first lessons in Spanish! We had 2, the first one with my boy Abel, he spoke really clear Spanish and I could understand most of it! Had a great talk about baptism and how much blessings it brings into our lives! 2nd one was the tough one haha. My boy Harold from Venezuela, this dude spoke the fastest and most slurred Spanish I have ever heard it was so tough to understand I was lost for most the lesson haha. It was still really good though! This guy has been through it all and literally has nothing but his faith is so strong in God and just such a humbling experience for me! Made me realize how much we take for granted each day and just need to be grateful for all that we do have because some people have it a lot worse!

Spiritual thought for the week comes from the talk "In the Path of Their Duty" by Elder Bednar from this last general conference! I loved this talk and ya'll should go read it, love how he emphasizes how even if we're not recognized for our efforts by others, God recognizes them and will always bless us in his time! Love you all have a great week and let me know if you need anything at all!

Love, Elder McDonald 

Word of the Week:  Esfuerzo (effort)  I know that God cares most about our effort!  He doesn't demand perfection, he just wants us to try!  Try to be a little better today than yesterday.

Invitation of the Month:  GRATITUDE PRAYERS!!  One week left!  Show Heavenly Father how grateful you are for all the blessings He's given you each week!

**Colores de otono**

**Trunk or Treat**

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