Monday, November 13, 2023

Alex mail 11-13-2023: "Yo hablo Español! (Kinda)"

Hellooooo!! Hope it's been a great week everyone! Found out some exciting news today, I will officially be traveling to Mexico on December 14th! Grateful I get the rest of this transfer to keep practicing Spanish here but super hyped to get to Mexico! This week has been really good, Spanish is a grindddd and some days it's better than others but super grateful for the opportunity to push myself and learn to rely on the Lord in every aspect of this work!

We did lots of metro contacting and megamart finding this week which went pretty well! It's super good practice and really good spots to talk with lots of Latinos. We found a good amount of people who were interested so hopefully we help some friends keep progressing! Also did my first contact in Spanish all by myself when we were on the metro and somehow through my broken Spanish the guy was actually interested! Big testimony to me that God is the one doing this work through us, he's the reason why we can have success!

Wednesday had my weirdest meal so far on the mission haha. It was these 2 older Latino ladies and they gave us this soup that just had a fat chicken drumstick sitting in it 😂 actually wasn't horrible mostly just weird haha. Had district council and my comp Elder Ingles is the District Leader and we're in a district with only sisters so he calls himself the Relief Society President 😂. Also had interviews with President which was awesome as always!

Thursday we helped our friend Denys move,  but he was like 30 min late so we had some fun waiting (see the video down below) #latinotime. That night we met a really cool new family in our ward! It's a single mom with 2 little girls who are all recent converts! Super fun family and they made us traditional Honduras food called baleatas and they were soooo good!

Saturday we did exchanges with our Zone Leaders so I got to go to DC with my boy Elder Angell! We worked super hard all day and focused on inviting every person we saw to come to church or read the Book of Mormon! Actually super cool and helped me realize I need to testify to everyone I see and be confident that Christ will help! We also had a lesson with one of their friends and had a ward member come with us. After we realized he used to a mission president and made so much sense haha. Man was a spiritual tankkk probably the greatest member lesson ever, so cool!

Sunday we had church and it was the primary program! Loved hearing the sweet testimonies and songs of the kids! Our ward is actually pretty big for a Spanish ward and there's some really awesome families I'm excited to get to know them more!

Spanish is definitely getting better! It's definitely still a struggle, especially understanding people. It takes a lot of extra effort to listen to others but I'm grateful for the chance to learn and struggle! It can definitely be discouraging at times when we go through difficult things but I know we can always rely on our Savior Jesus Christ! He's been there and he knows how we feel! He promises us that he won't leave us alone if we choose to turn to him for strength and help! I've seen this with Spanish and other tough things about the mission and I know you can rely on him in your difficult times too!

One lesson that really stood out to me this week was just how generous Latino people are! One man we visited who lived in a very humble and poorer neighborhood literally gave us each a pair of shoes! He wouldn't take no for an answer and was so set on giving what little he had to others! And then the family from Honduras we met on Thursday took time to make us dinner and feed us with what little food they had. Such eye opening experiences and I'm so grateful for the kindness of others! It's something I want to work on and do the rest of my life, always give back to those around me! I encourage you guys to look for ways this week to give back to others as well! I know it will bring more joy and blessings into your lives than anything else! Love you all have a wonderful week!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the week:  Chevre (cool) this is Elder Ingles favorite word he uses it all the time haha

Invitation of the Month:  COMPLIMENTS!!  How'd this week go?  I didn't do the best every day at it but I did notice that the days I did it was easier to talk with people and feel Christ's love for them!  Keep trying it this week, I will too!

*Ingles shlumped*

*Ingles & My boy Erling*  *Game night* 

Video = Ingles sneaking up on a pile of leaves 😂

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