Monday, November 20, 2023

Alex mail 11-20-23: "Latino Thanksgiving ๐Ÿฆƒ"

Hello! Hope everyone is doing well and had a fun week! Shoutout to my dawg Drew and Brooklynn CONGRATS ON THE WEDDINGGG!! ๐Ÿฅณ   Super hyped for you guys and to have Brooklynn in our family! Also you already know my cardboard cutout was the third most photographed person at that wedding ๐Ÿ˜.

This week has been super good and crazy busy! We've had a lot of really good lessons with our friends and were able to invite 3 of them to be baptized! They're all super awesome and hopefully within the next few weeks we can get things more finalized because they're so ready!

We had Zone Conference Tuesday and it was so awesome! Always super spiritually uplifting and awesome to hear from President and our leaders. We talked about being bold with invitations and baptism, remembering the power or Covenants, and promising blessings and testifying in everything we do. Tuesday night we had a birthday party for a Sister missionary thrown by some people in the ward and had some bomb empanadas. 

Wednesday got Chick-fil-a with a member which was soooo good! After we went metro contacting and found a really awesome dude all by myself in Spanish! Gift of tongues is real haha sometimes it's a lot easier than others but that's ok! Also got creative with our finding outside Megamart, we had Elder Ingles on top of the car with the whiteboard for English class and it was a big hit๐Ÿ˜‚.

Thursday we had a fiiiiire lesson with our friend Nelson! This dude is such a legend it's so cool to see people that are just ready and that the Lord has prepared! Before the lesson, Elder Ingles played the "I don't remember Spanish" card so Elder Kenison and I had to run it all but halfway through Ingles turns to us and says "I'm jumping back in this man is ready to be baptized" haha. We didn't quite set a date but he is set on getting baptized and wanted to pray about what day is best! Please keep him in your prayers this week! We also got to go to the temple on Thursday! The ward had a baptisms-for-the-dead appointment and we were able to take our recent convert Daniel! It was so amazing getting to go to the temple again and feel the Spirit and power that is there. Don't take it for granted if you live close by a temple go as much as you can!

Friday had a really great lesson with our friend Bryan! He's 16 and is basically a member, his parents just won't let him get baptized. He hasn't been to church for awhile so we were able to clear up some questions he had and get him excited about the gospel again! We also had a really cool miracle, that night we were visiting members and we were trying to visit a lady we hadn't met. However, the apartment building was locked (like every other one here haha) but luckily someone came out at the exact same time so we got in and she was home! She was this super sweet old lady who has cancer and so she hasn't been able to come to church and never has any visitors. We were able to give her a blessing and have a really great talk!

Saturday we had our Ward Thanksgiving dinner! It was super fun and the food was money even though it did start an hour late #latinotime ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ˜‚  but we were able to have Bryan come and the ward was so awesome about welcoming him back! Quick side note haha if you see someone at church or an activity you don't recognize go talk to them! It could be that person's first experience with church stuff and it makes all the difference to have normal people, not just missionaries, come talk to them! It'll make them feel so much more loved and welcome and you'll be the missionaries best friend๐Ÿ˜!

Had church on Sunday and I gave the opening prayer in church, yeah that's right I'm basically fluent ๐Ÿ˜‚ and then had a really fun member-dinner with a super elite family in the ward!

As we're approaching Thanksgiving this week I wanted to share something I'm grateful for, laughter! Right now I'm blessed with companions that are super similar to me and we laugh and have fun a ton! But no matter what our circumstances are I testify that we can find joy and laugh through it all! Laughter is how we get through the hard times and recognize what's truly important and what brings us joy! I invite y'all to laugh more this week and find that true joy! Love you all have a phenomenal week and happy Thanksgiving!!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Broma (Joke) this one is a fun one, my companions and I love to joke with each other. Obviously there are times to lock in and be serious but also remember we're here on the Earth to experience joy!

Invitation of the Month: COMPLIMENTS!! Perfect chance this week to compliment others! Tell them why you are grateful for them!

*Megamart Athletes*

*Beautiful DC*

*Temple Trip*

*McDonald's drive thru run & Chick-Fil-A*

*Empanadas & Thanksgiving Dinner*

*Ultimate "Backer" & Ingles spilled my Mac & Cheeses! / B-day party and Monopoly Gang*
*Elite Relief Society*

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