Monday, November 27, 2023

Alex mail 11-27-2023: "Noche de HogaršŸ "


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Hope everyone had an amazing week with family, friends, food, and laughs! This past week was super fun and full of miracles, and we had a really great Thanksgiving here too and even though I was away from family, I'm super grateful for the people and friends I'm surrounded by that I got to celebrate with!

The title for this week's email comes from our ward Family Home Evening night. The past few weeks not very many people have come but the bishopric asked us to really put an emphasis on it and get it going again. Last week we had a really good turnout so this week we decided to play the game "lay it on the alter."  This was a game we played in Seminary where the teacher says a random object and the first team to put it on the table gets a point, and then is asked a spiritual question for a bonus point. It went super well and they loved it! On the last round we had all 20 people running outside the gym to try and find stuff and they just loaded up the table. Check out the picture below it was hilarious haha.

Had my first double dinners of the mission this past week. Let's just say one was good and one wasn't haha, but it's all good super kind of our ward members to feed us! And you best believe we ate all we were given especially when these people don't have much to give in the first place!

Thanksgiving on Thursday was super fun! We couldn't really do any normal missionary work 'cuz of the holiday but we had dinner at our Bishop's house which was awesome! The food was amazing and reminded me of Thanksgivings back home, cool tender mercy! Also got to talk with the family and share some good laughs with members in our ward!

We had a really great lesson with our friends Carlos and Mya this week! They're so awesome, Carlos is a member but his girlfriend Mya is not and they're living together so we'll have to work that out haha but Mya is super interested in learning more! Carlos also knows a ton about the gospel so it's really nice to have him there to help out in lessons.

Sunday I was able to bless the sacrament in Spanish for the first time! Such a cool experience and so grateful I'm able to help in that ordinance for others! We were also able to go do 2 hospital visits that day. The first was to take the sacrament to an older lady and the second was to give a blessing to someone in our ward. These experiences are my favorite! So humbling and so powerful to see the faith of these amazing daughters of God and be someone they can look to for help and support. I know that the priesthood is real and God's power is on the earth today! I've seen it bless my life and the lives of those around me! Focus on how you can serve others this week and bless them with God's love!

This upcoming week should be really good! We've got a few friends who are really close to baptism that we can hopefully set a date for! We've also got festival of lights starting this week at the temple šŸ‘€  they do Christmas lights like they do at temple Square in Salt Lake and we get to help out so stay tuned for that! Love you all and so grateful for the blessing each one of you have been in my life! Have a great week!!

Con amor, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Santa Cena (Sacrament) we had some cool experiences with the sacrament this week so I thought it was fitting haha. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to renew our covenants each week!

Invitation of the Month: COMPLIMENTS!! Last week of this invitation! Try to spread some Christlike love as we start the Christmas season! I know it makes a difference and would love to hear any cool experiences ya’ll have!

*Feliz Navidad & Bucket hat drip*

*Hospital Visit*

*Views from Washington Monument*

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