Monday, November 6, 2023

Alex mail 11-6-2023: "New Area and My Visa!!"


What's good everyone?! Hope everyone is doing well! It's been a crazy busy week but 2 big things happened! (1) I got transferred to a different area, I'm now in a Spanish area right outside DC! And (2) I'm currently in Houston, Texas at the Mexican Consulate to pick up my visa! It finally came ha,ha.

Tuesday was Halloween! Honestly just felt like a normal day for the most part ha,ha. Luckily we had a member dinner that night so we could actually do something because we can't contact anyone so definitely a blessing! Also got to call both my sisters and talk for a bit! Fun to see my niece and nephews and the costumes love the Spidey gang ha,ha.

Wednesday had an amazing District Council, focused on how we can teach better and with more boldness, always focusing on testifying of Christ in all things! Also found out that Elder Koester and I would be getting transferred on FridayGot Cafe Rio for lunch, soooo good 😋 . Also had a clutch member give us a $25 domino's gift card for dinner, we ate niceee that day haha.

Thursday had an awesome lesson with our friend Adeline! She's crazy busy but finally we were able to meet with her and talk a lot about the scriptures. Had service at bacon ridge, finished up the trail we made it was beautiful 😂 after we had a fire and roasted hotdogs and smores which was hype!

Friday was transfer day! Packed in the morning and then headed to the mission office to find out where I'd be going! I'm now in the Washington, DC Zone and my area is called DC 1st South and its a Spanish area babyyyy! Tough leaving Odenton I learned to love that place and my comps it was definitely where I needed to be! Super excited for a new adventure though and to start speaking Spanish! My comps are so awesome! I'm in another trio, my new trainer is Elder Kenison and then Elder Ingles. Elder Kenison is just a transfer ahead of me and was one of the Spanish Elders in my last district, so super nice to already know him! Elder Ingles is a dawg he's been out for 16 months so he carries us in Spanish haha. They both love to run and are super clean, tender mercies haha. They're also both clowns it's so fun we laugh a lot haha. Friday night got food from a member, had a ward soccer night, visited an awesome member family with 2 little boys who are legends, and then got to call my dad for his birthday!

Saturday had a sick lesson with our friend Nelson! Dude is super locked in and has a ton of faith in God! Super excited to help him progress! Also hit up Megamart and then did studies on the subway because it's free for us. While we were on it we met a young couple who go to the Catholic University of America in Maryland and they took us to see the largest Cathedral in the US that's on their campus! It was actually super cool to see and learn about what they believe in!

Sunday had Stake Conference and a member of the Seventy came to speak, super spiritually uplifting! Then went to the airport, flew to Houston and stayed overnight at a hotel! This morning met up with 8 other missionaries and we've just been sitting in the Consulate office waiting to get the visa haha. I'll fly back to DC tonight so pretty quick trip. Super glad it's come though and can't wait to get to Mexico! I've loved my time in DC and hopefully finish out the new transfer there but I know Mexico will be so amazing too!

Quick spiritual thought is that God truly is aware of us and takes care of his children! It was so cool to see so many little miracles and tender mercies this past week, especially with traveling, that just testified to me that God truly is aware of me and is protecting and providing for me! Look for those little miracles! Love you all have a great week and feel free to reach out with anything!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Consulado (Consulate) Pretty fitting for this week, especially spending the day sitting in a a government office all day 💀😂 

Invitation of the Month: COMPLIMENTS!! New month, new invitation! This month I invite y'all to give someone (maybe someone you don't know 😉) a genuine compliment each day! Let's spread joy, goodness, and kindness and share Christ's love! Y'all got this I'll be doing it with you!

*Lungie photo shoot & Album Cover (Elder Koester served in India haha)*


*Early morning run with new comps! & beautiful Fall drive* 
*GINORMOUS Cathedral* 

*Elder McNeill (DL in MTC) at the Mexican Consulate in Houston! & Pizza feast from Members*

**SHOUTOUT to Sis**

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