Monday, December 11, 2023

Alex mail 12-11-2023:"The Grinch🎄🎁"


Holaaaaaaa!! How was everyone's week? Hope you all are doing well and having a super fun Christmas season! This week was probably my busiest week on the mission we were packed with things to do every day but it was also so much fun! Tons of highlights this week and memories that I'll remember forever!

Before I get into the highlights though I leave for Mexico this week! I fly out super early Thursday morning and am definitely nervous but super excited! It'll be sad leaving here I have loved my time and the people here in DC but I know I'll love it in Mexico as well and that the Lord needs me there! I am so grateful for the time he allowed me to serve here and I'm forever grateful for the people I met, they truly changed my life!

I got to give our doctrine lesson in district council this week on virtue and obedience and I highly recommend studying these two topics this next week! I learned a ton about the power they bring into our lives and how they go hand in hand. We also had a big family breakfast as a district before district council which was so fun! except for when our car got egged by Hermana Acosta, scared her one too many times hahaha

Had two really awesome dinners with some of my favorite people I've met on the mission! Nelda, Graciela, and Issey are a single mom and 2 little girls that are just the sweetest! I've talked about them before and how they'll always feed us even though they don't have much themselves but I'm so grateful to have gotten to know them! We also did a pizza party with Eddy and Erling, 2 crazy but awesome little kids haha. Super grateful for all these amazing people that have blessed my life.

We got to go see the festival of lights at the visitor center with one of our recent converts in the ward named Edgar! He's 15 and such a legend, super fun to hang out with him and it reminded me a ton of my cousins Nathan and Sam, love you boys!

Now here's where the subject of this email comes in 😏  so for our ward Christmas party they had us do a skit with the sister missionaries in our ward and it was the grinch. Let's just say we brought the house down, comedy goldddd haha. We got an $80 grinch costume for Elder Ingles and then returned it the next day for a full refund you already know 😂  but let's just say the skit featured a phenomenal chase scene between me and Elder Ingles, me breaking his ankles, Hermana Acosta (she's from Mexico) telling Ingles she was going off script and he just needed to react in Spanish, and some other gems. It was a super fun party and definitely something I'll always remember!

Also got to sing in our Missionary Choir in Downtown DC this week! We did a 30 minute Christmas program and a ton of people came which was really cool! Super fun to sing about our Savior Jesus Christ and help spread his light with others.

While it's definitely sad saying goodbye this week I'm super grateful for all the memories I've made these past 2 transfers! I can't believe I've already completed 4 months of my mission! I know Mexico will be amazing and can't wait for the memories to come! Nos vemos en Mexico!!

Love you all, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Ojalá (I hope God allows it) this one is super cool! I've heard it a couple times saying goodbye to people and they say that hopefully we will see each other again if God allows it! It's super sweet and shows people's love and trust in God!

Invitation of the Month: LIGHT THE WORLD! How's everyone doing so far this month? Remember it doesn't have to be service in big huge ways, sharing the light of Christ can be done in little ways, but these are often the most powerful! Let's do it this week!

*Scaring Acosta AGAIN / Dinner with Hermana Perez / District Breakfast*

*DC Choir*

*Edgar the GOAT*

*Pizza Party / Canessssss*

*The Grinch Cast*

*Yeah, I'm a Pro Photographer*

*Visitor Center con amigos / Saying goodbye to best family ever!*

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