Monday, December 18, 2023

Alex mail 12-18-2023: "MÉXICOOOOO"


Hola holaaaaaa!! Hope everyone has had a great week! Mine has been crazyyyy but super good! I made it to Mexico! Everything is way different here but I'm super excited and like it so far! Here's some of the highlights from my last few days in DC and my first few days here in Mexico!

We learned how to make papusas with a hermana in our ward on Tuesday! I don't really know how to describe em haha but they're like tortillas stuffed with beans, cheese, and meat and then grilled and they're so good! Basically a pro chef now what can I say haha

Guys I dunked for the first time on Wednesday! On a 10 foot rim and with a full size basketball 😏and not even joking it was on my last attempt the day before I left DC haha. Also shoutout to Elder Ingles for tossing me the dime of the century! And don't even worry we got video proof check it out below 😂  Also on Wednesday had a super awesome last district council, said goodbye to the district, and then got Chick fil a one last time with my dawg Elder Ingles

Thursday we got up at 3 am to head to the DC airport to catch my flight at 6am. I flew to Houston and then to Aguascalientes! Also for some reason flew first class so that was hype I'll take it haha. When I got to Mexico and got through customs the AP's and a senior missionary couple met me and we drove to the mission home! There we had some good food and I got to see some of my boys from the MTC district, including Elder Horoba my MTC comp! That night they split us up with elders in Aguascalientes around the mission home and we went into their area and stayed the night with them. I was with Elder Hunter in a super poor part of Aguas but it was so much fun! Super humbling and powerful to visit with people who have literally nothing but regardless are still so full of light! Also had a bombbbb Quesadilla so far the food does not disappoint!

The next morning we took a taxi to the Aguas stake center and had a big meeting with all the new missionaries in the mission and some of the trainers. It's super interesting to see what things are similar to DC and what things are completely different. I'm really grateful for the time I had in DC to adjust to missionary life and hopefully I can take what I learned there and now apply it in Spanish! At the end of the meeting we found out which area we were going to and who our comp would be. I'm with Elder Sánchez, a native from Mexico, and we're in the state of San Luis Potosi in an area called industrias! Our mission covers basically 3 states in Mexico so after that meeting me and all the elders heading to San Luis hopped on a 3 hour bus ride there! When we got there that night, met Elder Sánchez and dude is a legend! He actually speaks really good English just from learning on the mission so if I have questions we're still able to communicate but it'll be really nice to have a native Spanish speaker to learn from! Our area is definitely one of the wealthier and nicer parts of Mexico which is nice! Definitely a blessing to still live in a pretty nice place while adjusting to Mexico!

Saturday and Sunday were both pretty similar, studies in the morning and then we have to walk about an hour into the part of our area where most of our friends and members live. We usually walk everywhere but sometimes take busses or taxis. Luckily the weather isn't too hot right now haha. Here they basically do 1 big meal each day in the afternoon at like 2 or 3 and each day we get fed by members which is a huge blessing! It's also super nice that everything is crazy cheap so if we ever need more food it's not too big of a deal!

Gave my first talk in Spanish on Sunday 😂  luckily I had like one days notice so I could prepare a bit but I think it went alright haha. Our church starts 4pm here which is wack but our ward is fairly good sized and it was super good to meet a lot of members!

While it's definitely been a wild first few days here in Mexico and sometimes pretty stressful and overwhelming, I'm so grateful for the blessings the Lord has given me and the many miracles I've seen! One of the biggest lessons I think I've learned so far on my mission is how to truly have sincere prayers with my Heavenly Father and it has helped strengthen our relationship so much! Even though it might be pretty crazy these next few weeks I know that my Savior will be right beside me through it all and he will help me accomplish his work! I'm going to really try to focus on the blessings and miracles around me this week and I invite you to do the same! Love you all have a wonderful week and have an amazing Christmasssss!!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Chido (awesome/that's dope) one of the first slang words I learned here haha it's just another way to say "that's awesome" or basically how we say "that's dope" in the US

Invitation of the Month: LIGHT THE WORLD! One more week until Christmas! Who can you share your and Christ's light with this week to give someone a super memorable Christmas? You guys got this!

**My Boy & Chick-Fil-A / Making Papusas/  DUNKINGGGGG!!**

**Adios DC / Hola Mexico**

**Beautiful Mexico/ Auguascalientes Cathedral / dope mural**

**Elder Horoba / Nuestra Casa / Nuesta Capilla / COMIDA!** 


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