Monday, January 8, 2024

Alex mail 01-08-2024: "Gift of Tongues"


What up what upppp everyone!! Hope you guys have had an awesome week! Ours flew by here but it was a super solid week with a lot of miracles and cool moments!

I'm super excited to get to study the book of Mormon this year along with come follow me! I love this book and I'm so grateful for the power and peace it brings into my life! I've definitely noticed a difference when I study every day and am super excited to devote so much focus to it this year! I invite ya’ll to really dive in and gain a witness for yourselves of the power of this book every day this year!

We had another lesson with Tania on Tuesday, and she's been keeping the Word of Wisdom! She said she hasn't drunken coffee and has actually really liked giving it up and seen a difference in her life! Miracles are real people! Super cool to see people willing to make sacrifices to follow Christ and come closer to him! Now hopefully we can help her and Jose get married and then they'll be ready for baptism!

Wednesday we had one of my best lessons in Spanish I think I've had yet! It was such a testimony to me that the Gift of Tongues is real! Right before the lesson the thought came to my mind "Alex, you're about to see a miracle" and from that point on I was just excited and decided I'd give it my all with Spanish! The lesson was with our friend Julissa and her husband who's a member but she's not. It was so cool I understood almost all of what was going on, was able to actually ask questions and hold a conversation with them and share scriptures and testify based on what they had said! We taught her about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and were able to set a baptismal date for her at the beginning of March! She's super awesome and so ready and it was just such a testament to me that the Spirit is the real teacher and has the power to help me even in another language!

I had my birthday on Thursday and it was a super awesome day! Got some money-steak quesadillas, my comp got me a delicious cake, and I got to call and talk to my family which was really special! Also apparently a tradition here in Mexico is to have your face slammed in a piece of cake on your birthday so that was fun ๐Ÿ˜‚  it was super funny and definitely will be a good memory! Thanks to everyone who sent so much love and support I really felt a ton of love and you all made it an awesome day for me so thank you!

On Friday Elder Sanchez got bit by a dog while we were trying to contact a lady in the street ๐Ÿ˜ณ  luckily it was a pet and not a stray and it was a tiny little wiener-dog so he just kicked it off ๐Ÿ˜‚  and luckily he's fine nothing bad happened but super random and funny. We also had a lesson with our friend Diego! He's 9 years old and his dad has been a member for a long time and his mom has been a member for about a year! He's a super awesome and hopefully we'll be able to baptize him soon! He really likes the church and wants to get baptized we just basically need to teach him and help him build his own testimony, they're a super awesome family! Also, got to try Rosca de los Reyes with them which is the round bread with the baby Jesus hidden inside๐Ÿ˜‚  honestly the bread wasn't that great but it was fun to be part of the tradition!

Fast Sunday is a little different here, because the main meal is in the afternoon around 3PM we start fasting Saturday afternoon after that meal and then go until 2-3 on Sunday afternoon when we have the next big meal! Definitely a little different than the states but it was cool! Something my sister shared with me that I really focused on this week was fasting not just for blessings I want, but to show God my faith in Him and my desire to align my will with His! It was really cool and I invite ya’ll to do so too! Love you all and hope you guys have an amazing and fun week! Nos vemos!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Boliche (Bowling) more of a just for fun word this week haha but bowling is actually pretty big here! It's a pretty common P-day thing here which is cool!

Invitation of the Month: CHRISTLIKE ATTRIBUTES! How did week one go? This week I'm going to really focus on patience and Charity and love! You guys got this be patient with yourselves and just try to improve a little bit each day! 

**Fire Bday Quesadillas / Flaming Bday Cake**

**Drip Pinata / Turtle @ member's house**

**Beautiful sunsets / Famous Banners**

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