Monday, January 1, 2024

Alex mail 1-1-2024: " Feliz Año!"

Feliz Año!

Happy New year everyoneeee!! Hope you all had an awesome New Year’s eve yesterday! Ours was super fun and it was really cool to experience the Mexican culture during this holiday season! This week went by pretty quick but we had some fun times and cool moments! I feel like I'm starting to get into the groove of things here and definitely starting to feel more adjusted! Super cool to see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's help and love each day and I'm so grateful that they are with me every day! I also know that they are willing and want to be with each one of you every step of the way as well, choose to let them in and see their miracles each day!

Elder Sánchez was sick a few days this week so we spent a little more time at home so he could rest but I was still able to get some really good studies in and take some time to just slow down, ponder, and be taught by the Spirit! I really learned this week there's a lot of power in slowing down and making a diligent effort to connect with the Spirit, our Heavenly Father, and Savior Jesus Christ! This is something I definitely want to incorporate more into my studies each day and I invite you guys to do the same! Take time to breathe, reset, and focus on what Heavenly Father wants to tell you!

 Had some really awesome member meals this week! I'm super amazed each day at the faith and generosity of the people here! It's so awesome to see how strong the faith of our members is and how willing they are to help us out in any way they can in missionary work! We had some amazing food, and it is just so awesome and fun to hear people's background and life stories!

Another tough week of visiting people because of the holidays and most people are gone traveling, but we've continued to put an emphasis on trying to talk to everyone we see, and we've continued to meet some really cool people and see miracles! It's been a huge testament to me that the Spirit will do the work if we're just willing to open our mouth and try!

We were able to have some really cool phone-call lessons though this week! One that really stood out was with our friend Raul! He was a referral but the first call we had with him he was super enthusiastic to learn, and we had a great talk about baptism! And then he came to church on Sunday! Super cool to see people take that big step of faith and just come and see!

   Another cool lesson was with our friend Tania! She really wants to get baptized but she and her boyfriend Jose just gotta get married first haha. We had a great talk about the word of wisdom and the blessings that come from it and she really liked it! She said she was going to give up coffee for the week to give it a try and Sánchez even promised to give up his favorite coca cola with her 😂 it seriously is an addiction for people here haha it's so funny!

And then Sunday was a super fun New Year’s eve! We had a great combined sacrament meeting again just like last week and then we were invited over to 3 member houses for food! Let's just say I think I ate the most amount of food I've ever eaten in a day it was wild haha. All of it was super good though, my personal favorite was carne-asada tacos at our Bishop's house! Then we watched as literally everyone lit off fireworks that started at like 5 and went all night long. The fireworks are definitely not as big in the sky but they're a lot louder here than they are in the states haha. It was a super fun day though, super cool to experience the culture and have so much fun with some awesome families in our ward!

Can't believe we're already to 2024! Time has been flying by but I'm super grateful for this beginning of the new year to recommit as a missionary and disciple of Christ! Being a missionary has definitely been one of the hardest things I've ever done but without a doubt has already been the most rewarding! I'm so grateful for the opportunity to grow my faith, love, and patience and above all strengthen my relationship with my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ! I invite you all to set some meaningful goals for this year, ones that will push you but help you become more like our Savior! I know you'll be blessed for it and receive help and power every step of the way! Love you all and have a fantastic week! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 🥳🥳 

Love, Elder McDonald

 Word of the Week: Que Padre (That's so cool) Don't ask me why but for some reason Padre (which means dad) also means cool here 😂 

Invitation of the Month: CHRISTLIKE ATTRIBUTES! Seeing how it's a new year and a time most people set goals, I invite you all to choose one or two Christlike attributes to develop each week this month! Ask in prayer what are some attributes you can work to develop this week and then act in faith! I promise blessings will come as we work to become more like our savior! 

**Walt Disney Pizza Truck?/Horses in the park**

**Super old Fornite arcade game /Normal Mexico Street /Axolotl peso drip /Bomb tacos**

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