Monday, January 15, 2024

Alex mail 1-15-2024: "Gimme that green card!"


Gimme that green card!

Hi everyoneeeee! Hope ya’ll are all doing great and had an awesome week! This week I finally became a legal Mexican resident 😂  just kidding I was already legal but I got my residency green card for the year which is nice to have! We had to go into Aguascalientes for a few days for it which was an adventure! And even though we had a few less days in our area we were still able to have some awesome lessons and see some really cool miracles!

Had a lesson with our new friend Esther this week and she's amazing! She has 7 kids living with her but she's super excited to learn and we were able to talk about how the gospel has been restored and can bless our families! We also taught her about how we can truly talk with our Heavenly Father through prayer which was super cool to help her understand! Her family runs a taco, Quesadilla, and Gordita (fried Quesadillas) stand, and she took us over and gave us free food which was soooo good! The food has not been disappointing I'm loving it! The members and people here are taking good care of us its awesome!

Had another awesome lesson with our friend Julissa! She's so awesome and told us she's ready and excited to be baptized! We taught about the restoration and had a really spiritual talk about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, so cool! She's so awesome and I'm so inspired by her faith and desire to come closer to Christ!

Wednesday we actually had a member after lunch take us over to some of her extended family to do a quick lesson which was sick! These ladies were ramblerssss though I think Elder Sanchez and I said maybe 4 sentences the entire lesson 😂  but super cool to have that experience with a member, member referrals are the best! After the lesson we headed for the bus station in San Luis and took the 3-hour bus ride to Aguascalientes! The bus was actually super nice which was awesome to just chill for a bit and relax. When we got to Aguas we met up with the other missionaries and stayed with the mission secretaries. There were 11 of us in this one house and let's just say it was crazy crowded but super fun haha!

The next day was a grindddd tho haha. Got to the immigration office at 8:30 in the morning and saw my boy Elder Horoba! Super good to catch up with him! But then after that we sat around the office waiting for 8 hours 😭  if you thought the DMV in the US was slow, the Mexican government is so much worse, it was horrible. And then at 3:30 in the afternoon they came and told us we would have to come back the next day because they didn't have time 😭  even though there were 5 workers and no one else, but us hahaha. All good though got a ton of studies in and Elder Sánchez and I were able to have a really good phone-call with our friend Manuel about faith and the importance of church that night!

Next day we went back and waited for another 3 hours and then finally got my appointment! It was seriously like 5 minutes haha took my picture, got fingerprinted, and then signed some stuff but at least now I have my card! After Elder Sanchez and I went to a fireeee taco restaurant and then hopped on a bus back to San Luis! Definitely a crazy few days of traveling but glad that it all worked out! That night we had an awesome family home evening with a family in our ward and played Columbian sorry and had Columbian Quesadillas which were sooo good!

Saturday had the opportunity to give 2 blessings to some friends and giving blessings is my favorite! You can always feel the Spirit so strongly and so much of Heavenly Father's love for his children! I'm so grateful to live when God's Priesthood authority has been restored, to be worthy to hold it, and have it bless my life and the lives of others! We also were able to go to a baptism for our Zone Leaders and our friend Julissa came! So awesome that she could come and see what a baptism is like and she's so excited for hers! Hopefully within the next month or so!

Church was awesome on Sunday we were able to have a few friends come and I'm amazed at people's faith and willingness to come and see! I love the Spirit we can feel during church and I'm definitely trying to make the Sacrament and church each Sunday such a special part of my week, I invite ya’ll to do the same!

And last but not least... I GOT A GUITAR! I'm super excited big shout out to my amazing parents who got me such an awesome birthday gift! I'll throw some pics in down at the bottom don't worry 😏 

I hope you all have a fantastic week! You guys are all so awesome and I'm so grateful for all the love and support I receive! You all help me so much more than you could ever know and so if you need anything at all don't be afraid to reach out, I gotch-u and I know our Savior has got you too! Love ya’ll see ya next week!

Con mucho amor, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Guitarra (Guitar!) Had to do it haha if you've got any tips for me send ‘em my way!

Invitation of the Month: CHRISTLIKE ATTRIBUTES! This week I want to focus on hope! I listened to a great talk by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland and he talked about how even though there is so many crazy things in the world today, we can still have so much hope for a brighter future because of our savior Jesus Christ! How can you exercise more hope this week?

**Gimme that Green Card**

**Amazing food / Planchitas Restaurant**

**Columbian "Sorry Game" / $1.50 Huge Ice Cream / My dawg Elder Horoba / Mermaidman & Barnacle Boy!**

**La Guitarra 🔥"

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