Monday, January 22, 2024

Alex mail 1-22-2024: "Don't Eat Liquor Chocolates!"


Howdy howdy how's everyone doing?? Hope you guys have all had a fantastic week! And if not I hope this week will be a lot better for you! Keep your head up and keep smiling! I heard it's been snowing a ton back home so enjoy it for me I'm jealous of all those snow days! This week we have transfers and we'll find out what's happening tomorrow! Crazy that I'm already done with my first transfer in Mexico it's gone by really quick! Just like all the mission haha but anyway here's the highlights from the week!

We've been grindinggg in the streets this week haha we did a ton of walking but it was worth it we saw a lot of miracles! On Tuesday we got to go to a new part of our area called Los Lagos that neither Sanchez nor I had been to We had a really cool lesson with our friend Ariel and taught him about the Book of Mormon! It's definitely a trip to get out there but it'll be so worth it if we can help him progress! On the way back home we had a miracle find with our new friend Cesear! His son is actually a member in our ward we didn't realize, haha, but we taught him about the Book of Mormon too and he loved it! So cool to see how the Spirit was directing us even though we didn't realize it at first!

Had another lesson with Esther this week and taught about the Plan of Salvation! It was really cool and the Spirit was super strong! It's my favorite to help people realize that they can live with their families for eternity, even after this life, especially when family is such a big deal her! Also had a lesson with Manuel from Uber and this dude is such a legend! He has loved everything we've taught him so far and wants he and his family to keep learning more! The only problem is he has to work a ton so he hasn't been able to come to church yet but, keep him in your prayers if you don't mind, because he really wants to!

Member meals continued to not disappoint this week! I think I ate the most amount of tacos I've ever eaten in one sitting this week 😂 not much you can do when they just keep whipping 'em up and they're super delicious haha. The title for this week is a pretty funny story from a member meal too haha. One day we visited a member real quick and they gave us chocolates and we ate 'em real quick not even thinking about it. However a few days later at a member meal I saw a chocolate I had eaten and told Elder Sanchez these ones were super good. He looked at me super weird and was like "Elder, this chocolate is made with liquor" 💀🤣   Let's just say I didn't even realize, and I was so confused why a member had given it to me hahaha. It literally just tasted like normal chocolate and nothing happened, so we're chillin' but it was definitely a hilarious moment haha. Now I know, be careful everyone don't accidentally eat liquor chocolate 😂 .

We had interviews with President on Friday which was so awesome as usual! I'm so grateful for President Webb and his example to me he is such an amazing man and leader! Super grateful for both Mission Presidents I've had, and the opportunity to talk with them 1-on-1 each transfer, and learn from them.  It's always really special! Also found a fireee bakery in our area that sells huge doughnuts for like $.60 US cents so let's just say, if I stay in this area I'll be hittin' that place up a lot next transfer 😂  

Church was awesome on Sunday! I've really grown to love church while on the mission, it's such a highlight of the week to be able to just slow down and focus on the Savior and be strengthened by the amazing members here! I invite you guys to really work to put an emphasis on making church special each week, I've definitely seen my relationship grow with my Savior because of it, and I've seen so many more miracles throughout the week and I know you guys will too! Love you all thanks for all the amazing support, love, and prayers it makes such a difference and I couldn't do this work without ya'll! Keep doing good and as always feel free to reach out if you need anything at all! Peace-out, see ya'll next week!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: La Gripa (The Cold) I heard this one a lot this week apparently it's cold season here too a lot of people are sick haha, it's funny the word gripa sounds a lot worse than what it actually is 😂 

Invitation of the Month: CHRISTLIKE ATTRIBUTES! How's the month been going so far? Any cool experiences or miracles you guys have seen from striving to be a little more like Christ? I'd love to hear about it if you guys have! And remember it's never too late to start! The Lord loves effort and each day all we need to do is strive to be a little more like him! We got this!

*Mexicoooooo /Poptarts my favoriteeee*

*Mexican Pillsbury doughboy /Bluey Cake*

*Fire & crazy cheap donut /Famous San Luis Enchiladas*

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