Monday, February 19, 2024

Alex mail 2-19-2024: "Winter Has Arrived"


Hello hellooooo how's everyone doing? I hope it was another super great week for you guys! Another crazy fast week here in Mexico haha and if you're wondering about the title winter finally hit here. And by winter I mean 60 degrees with some rainy days πŸ˜‚. I know what you're thinking pretty intense stuff, don't worry we're back up to 80 degrees and sunny now haha. It was a nice little break from the sun though, even if it was only was a mini winter πŸ˜‚.

Elder Dominguez and I have been having a super fun time while working super hard it's been awesome! He's taught me a ton and this week he let me lead in a lot of stuff that we did to keep pushing me and helping me grow! It's definitely been a little tough at times but it's helped me gain a ton more confidence and grow in both Spanish and as a leader! Super grateful for him and this transfer that we get to serve together!

We had a good amount of lessons fall through this week which was a little tough but it's just part of the process! We were still able to have some really powerful lessons, one that really stood out to me was with our friend Eduardo! He was actually our Uber driver one day haha but he's a super awesome dad of 3 little kids. He loves his family a ton and wants to help them all come closer to Christ and we were able to teach him about the restoration and how the Book of Mormon does so! I'm so grateful to be a part of this amazing work and have the opportunity to help families be united for eternity it's so special!

We've also been focusing a lot this week on strengthening the members in our ward and trying to involve them in the work which has been cool! We've had some awesome visits and lessons and a lot of progress with helping them come closer to Christ, as well as receiving help in bringing others unto him! We even got free tacos and Quesadillas from a member who has a taco stand one night which was soooo good πŸ˜‚. Heavenly Father takes care of his missionaries haha.

On Friday we were able to do exchanges with the other Elders in our ward, Elders Santiago and Hales, and I was able to go with Elder Hales into his area which was super fun! He's from Utah and reminds me a ton of my dawg Quincy, shoutout to my boy Elder Nielson!! He's also a transfer behind me in the mission but his Spanish is super good and we were able to see a lot of miracles and have a ton of fun! It was really cool to be able to give him some advice and tips for stuff that's helped me and be able to push him and help him grow! We had a lesson with their friend Berenice and we were able to schedule a baptismal date for her in March! She's had a lot of concerns about feeling like she needs to be perfect before baptism but we were able to help her understand that baptism helps us keep the commandments and overcome temptations easier! The Spirit was really strong and even with our new Spanish we were able to testify and help her see the blessings of choosing to follow Christ! Super excited for her and it was a huge testimony builder to me and Elder Hales of the gift of tongues and the Lord's hand in this work!

We were able to have interviews with President Webb on Saturday which was amazing as usual! He's such an amazing man and a great example to me! Love getting his advice on how I can improve and keep becoming a better missionary and disciple of Christ!

Church was really awesome on Sunday and Elizeth and Adalberto came again! Good news they now have a plan to finalize her divorce so they can get married in hopefully 3 months! They're super amazing and basically active at this point haha they just can't wait until that special day when they're able to be baptized!

Something I've really tried to focus on this week is sharing my testimony in every possible moment that I can! As I've done so, both in word and in action, I've been able to see so many miracles and feel the Spirit even more in my daily life! I invite you all to do the same! Live and share your testimony in every possible moment that you can and I promise you and those around you will be blessed by it! Love you all so much! Thanks for all the support it means a ton and I'm so grateful for each one of you! Hope you have a super awesome week and never be afraid to reach out if you need anything at all! CuΓ­dense Muchooooo!!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Que Onda? (What's up?) Kinda another slang one here in Mexico haha but just another way of saying what's up to the homies haha

Invitation of the Month: 30 DAY FAST! Can't believe we're already getting to the end of February! Let's finish out the month strong and rely on the Lord to help us grow and improve a little bit each day! I promise he will be right by your side if you just choose to turn to him and seek his help!

**Finally got Preach My gospel in Spanish! / Donuts with Elder Hales**

**sick wall art**

**Dominguez in shock at all the pastries / Colombian Soda (not Beer I promise)**

**AMAZING Food!**

**Elder Hales playing chess over the phone πŸ˜‚ / World's largest jar of Mayo πŸ’€**

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