Monday, February 26, 2024

Alex mail 02-26-2024: "Rioverde!"


What is uppppp everyone?? Hope you all are just doing so good and had an awesome week! And, if not hey, it's a new week - let's make it a great one! This past week had to have been one of the fastest of my mission haha. Mostly because we got to go to a city called Rioverde for a few days to do exchanges with the Elders over there! It was crazy fun and their area is super sick! It's like a 3 hour bus ride from here in San Luis, so we left Monday night, spent all day Tuesday with them, and then came home Wednesday morning!

I got to spend Tuesday with my boy Elder Woods and he's such a stud! He's from Texas and is just a transfer behind me in the mission! Kinda like last week with Elder Hales it was fun to be able to lead and share with him some tips, that have helped me out a ton! His Spanish is super good and we had a ton of fun together! Rioverde is kinda a smaller town but it's crazy green over there which was super pretty! Not as much directly in the city where we were but there were still way more trees than there are over here in Pozos. Kinda reminded me a little of back home, it was super cool! 

Elder Woods and I were able to have some really great lessons with some of their friends and members! They're just a branch over there but the members I met are so awesome! Even though there's not a ton of members, they all seem super devoted to the gospel and the work is going really well over there! We visited this really cool member family, a single mom with 4 kids, and we played Spanish-Scattergories with them and got to teach them some English, which just felt super rewarding! I'm so grateful for the amazing people I've been able to meet so far on the mission and the opportunity I have to serve them! Elder Dominguez was able to do a baptismal interview for their friend Ignacio while we were over there too and he got baptized yesterday! Finished the day off with some fire arrachera (steak) Quesadillas! Also ended up meeting 2 people that spoke fluent English and when we asked how they learned they both said they got deported from the US 😬💀 - so tough, hahaha.

Something that Elder Dominguez and I started this week was speaking only Spanish with each other for 3 hours after food each day. It actually went really well and helped push us in the language! It was cool to see how much I've grown in the language! When I was with Elder Sanchez there were a lot of quieter moments because I couldn't share stories or joke as well in Spanish but this week I've still been able to talk just like normal even in Spanish! Gift of tongues is real people!

We had 3 really cool lessons this week that really stuck out to me, Jose, Jesus, and Jose Juan! Each one of these guys is so awesome and they all just seem so ready to make changes in their lives and accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ! The Spirit in each one of these lessons was so strong as we taught and testified about the atonement of Jesus Christ and the restoration of His church! Hopefully we can keep helping them progress! It's so special to just see the Light of Christ enter into people's lives, I love being a missionary!

We also put a big focus on visiting members and less-active members this week! We met with 2 really cool less-active families and I felt so much of God's love for them as we invited them to come back! I testify that no matter what you've done or been through, our Heavenly Father and Savior are standing with open arms to welcome you back home! They are so ready to forgive, heal, and bless you, all we have to do is choose to come back to them and accept them in our lives!

We had a couple lessons this week with some people who are struggling with some pretty heavy addictions. However, testifying of the freeing power of our Saviors atonement was so, so special. I testify that the Gospel of Jesus Christ truly is freeing. There is nothing else in this world that can bring us more joy or blessings. It's amazing to witness firsthand how the atonement and gospel of Christ can help anyone overcome any problem or addiction they may have, and truly be free! If you feel like you're struggling with anything at all, I invite you to turn to our Savior! I promise you that He will help you, strengthen you, and will never let you go! He knows exactly how you feel and how to help! Thank you all for all the love, prayers, and support, it means a ton! Hope you guys have a fantastic week and feel free to reach out whenever! Love ya'll!

Con mucho amor, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Las Ranas (The frogs) we found a fireeee taco and Quesadilla place called Las Ranas, don't ask me why it's named that but it's the best 😂 

Invitation of the Month: 30 Day Fast! Last week of the month! I invite you all to take some time this week to ponder and look back on how much you've grown this past month! Don't dwell on things you wish you had done better, focus on all the good and improvement and then covenant with the Lord to keep going! You guys are amazing!


**Fire Quesadillas/ Tres Leches Cake**

**Just your average government sponsored political chicken & I don't even know how to describe this one 😂**

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