Monday, February 5, 2024

Alex mail 2-5-2024: "Run da Hood!!!"

How we doing everybodyyyy?? Hope you guys are all doing great and had a super fun week! This week's been crazy! Crazy busy, crazy fun, crazy fast, and everything else haha but I'm loving it! It's also wild I'll hit my 6 month mark this upcoming Wednesday! Can't believe I'm already 1/4th of the way through the mission and I know it'll just get faster from here on haha. Super grateful though for this opportunity to serve and love the people of Mexico!

If you're wondering about this week's title haha it's because I got to do an exchange with my boy Elder Grantham while Elder Dominguez was in Aguas for a few days for a meeting. His area is definitely the hood of downtown San Luis haha let's just say you know it's bad when the street the church is on is called Grita de Dolores which means "scream of pains" πŸ’€ πŸ˜‚. But it was super fun and we saw a ton of miracles! And don't worry nothing bad happened the Lord protects his missionaries! We had a ton of lessons which was super cool and my favorite thing about serving in more sketchy or poor areas is that there's so many people who are humble, looking to change, and want the hope that God and Christ offer. It's so amazing being able to help bring them to Christ and find joy again! It was also a huge confidence booster for me and Elder Grantham with our Spanish! He's got one transfer less than me in the mission but the gift of tongues was definitely with us! We were able to have all of our lessons and contacts be a success with the language and even had a 30 minute conversation with a kinda crazy catholic grandma with a ton of questions πŸ˜‚. It definitely helped me realize just how much my Spanish has grown and how many miracles are truly around us each day! Also had some fireeee carne asada tacos with the elders quorum which was so hype!

A lot of the rest of the week was spent trying to visit friends and call people to see who's really interested and try and narrow down our focus which has been super helpful. Member meals have been fire as always! Only had to give some foul soup to a stray dog once hahaha don't worry tho the member wasn't there it's fine πŸ˜‚. On the plus side we got Chick-fil-a sauce one day which was soooo good.

Had some awesome lessons this week! We met with Tania and her boyfriend Jose  and had to lay down the law a little bit about the importance of marriage, hopefully they decide to get married so they can keep progressing! Keep them in your prayers if you don't mind! Also had some really good phone-calls with this dude named Erik who speaks super good English haha. When we first called him he asked if we could talk in English, Dominguez and I looked at each other and were like "oh here we go again" but then homie starts speaking in basically fluent English πŸ’€ πŸ˜‚. He's super awesome tho! Definitely was wack teaching in English again haha but he loves all that we've taught and wants to get baptized! Only sad thing is he doesn't live in our area so we had to pass him off but all good the elders where he's at are studs!

We also met 2 really cool people this week, Adalberto and Eliset! They've had a crazy past and some wild experiences but they have a ton of faith in Christ and want to come closer to him! We were able to give them both blessings which helped them a ton and excited to help them keep progressing!

That's pretty much it for the highlights this week, love you all and hope you guys have a fantastic week! Let me know if there's anything I can do for you guys or if someone needs some extra prayers I gotchu! Thank you all for all the love and support they make such a difference! Hope you all have a great week and Les amo mucho!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: GΓΌero (white boy πŸ˜‚) Mexicans here use this one instead of gringo usually haha but I get called this one like 5 times a day it always makes me laugh πŸ˜‚.

Invitation of the Month: 30 Day Fast! I hope you all had a great fast Sunday yesterday and the chance to think of something you want to improve this month! Remember growth and change is a process so take it one day at a time and I promise the Lord will help you each day!

**Downtown San Luis**

**Fire Carne Asada**

**Sweet Bread & Chick-Fil-A peach shake juice**

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