Monday, January 29, 2024

Alex Mail 1-29-2024: "Same Area, New Comp!"


What's good everyoneeeeee!! Hope you all had a super fun week! This week was pretty crazy, we had a lot going on with transfers! We found out Tuesday night that Elder Sanchez was leaving to head to Aguascalientes and I'd be staying in Industrias! It's kinda funny, Elder Sanchez is now with Elder Horoba my MTC comp! But anyway, my new companion is Elder Dominguez and he's super awesome! He's from Dallas, Texas and is just like 2 months ahead of me in the mission.  His parents are both Mexican so he speaks super good Spanish! We're both pretty similar and it's nice to have someone who speaks fluent English but also is solid in Spanish! I'm super hyped for this transfer it's gonna be a good one!

Tuesday had one of the most wild lessons on my mission so far 😂. We were trying to teach our friend Tania but all at once during the lesson we had: a huge iguana on the loose in the house, 2 screaming toddlers, Tania's sister yelling at the toddlers, a crazy grandma trying to ask us questions about the Book of Revelation, and a crazy loud wood-saw in the background😂.  Let's just say I wasn't able to understand anything in Spanish and Sanchez had to carry for a bit 😂 but it ended up being a really good spiritual lesson by the end, so that was good!

Wednesday was my last full day with Elder Sánchez and we had an awesome lesson with our friend Gavi! She and her kids have been meeting with the missionaries for a while but this lesson we talked about baptism and she expressed a big desire to be baptized! We were able to set a date as a goal for her in a month and a half so hopefully we can keep helping her progress towards that special day! 

Thursday I spent the morning at the bus station dropping Sanchez off and waiting for Dominguez to arrive. After he got here we went out to the area and got to work! The rest of the week was mostly showing him around the area, introducing him to friends and ward members, and trying to just contact as many people as we could in public!

While it was pretty stressful at first, leading out the area haha, I actually saw so many miracles and the Lord helped me out a ton! It's been amazing to see how he's able to do his work through imperfect 19-year-olds, as we've just tried our best to give our all and trust in Him! I've been able to see that my Spanish is actually a lot better than I was giving myself credit for and I know that this is all because of my Savior's help! While it can definitely be scary at times to turn it all over completely to Him, I testify that as we trust in Him, He will not let us down nor leave us alone! He will always deliver!

Love you all and so grateful for all the prayers, love, and support it means the world! Hope you guys have a super awesome week and feel free to reach out anytime at all! Hasta luego!!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Planchar (To Chastise/Rebuke, To Iron) I love this word it's so funny to me that it's both to Chastise and to iron something 😂 people say it all the time and it makes me laugh a little every time.

Invitation of the Month: 30 Day Fast!! 

I know it's a little early, but I wanted to get it in before fast Sunday in February! This is something I heard about in DC and that I just started doing along with their mission! The main point is this upcoming fast Sunday, I invite you all to fast and pray with the desire to know of something that's poking at your spirit or keeping you from having the companionship of the Holy Ghost with you always! And then when you know what that is, write it down and covenant with the Lord to change for the next 30 days! Ask for His help every single morning and then reflect on how you did at night, and then change and improve the next day! I testify to you that if you will take this challenge seriously, it will change your life and invite so many blessings into your life! I'll attach the photos of the talk it’s based on below it's not too long so give it a read! You guys got this the Lord is waiting to bless every single one of us!

**New Comp Elder Dominguez!**

**Gorilla on a roof/Chick-Fil-A Sauce Hotdogs/ Oreo Donuts **

**Goodbye to Sanchez**

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