Monday, March 4, 2024

Alex mail 03-04-2024: "IT IS YOU BAPTISM."


Howdy, howdy, everyoneeee - how's the week been? Hope you are all doing well and having a great start to March! Crazy that it's already this time of year! Shout out to all my Dawgs who are starting track season this week let's get ittttt!! We've got transfers this upcoming week which is wild! Time is going crazy quick, but we'll see what happens! It's been an awesome last full week with Elder Dominguez and we've seen a lot of tender mercies and miracles!

On Tuesday we had a really awesome lesson with Carmen! We met her last week actually looking for one of our other friends haha but we were able to give her a Book of Mormon then, and then teach her about the restoration this week! She's already started to read the Book of Mormon on her own and has loved it! It was really cool to see her piecing together the restoration herself and see why it all makes sense! It was a super spiritual lesson and a great reminder to me that it's such a blessing to have the complete, restored Gospel of Jesus Christ on the earth today!

Saw someone siphoning gas for the first time in person on Wednesday, 💀😂,  I always had heard about people stealing gas like this but seeing it in person was so wild, hahaha so funny.

Thursday was definitely the highlight of the week! I got to give my first blessing in Spanish, and I was definitely a little nervous at first, but it was such a cool experience! I could feel the Spirit leading me and helping me find the words to say and it was such a powerful testimony to me of the gift of tongues and how the Lord can help us do all things if we just trust in him!

We also got to go to the baptism of Berenice Thursday night! (Shoutout to those who recognized “The Office” reference in this week's title 😉😂 ). She's in the other Elders area in our ward but if you remember a few weeks ago when I was on exchanges with Elder Hales, he and I were able to set a baptismal date for her! She originally had chosen the middle of March but on Sunday told us she felt she was ready and so she got baptized this week! It was an amazing experience to see her make covenants with our Heavenly Father and how much joy and peace she felt! You could just see so much light from her and I testify that it is because of the power of our covenants! Our friends Juan Jose and Gabriela were also able to come as well, which was really cool for them to experience also and hopefully they'll keep progressing to their own baptisms!

On Friday we got to go do service at the future temple grounds here in San Luis! It was so cool to see what will soon be a temple and help out in the process! We had all the missionaries in San Luis there and we got to paint a huge wall so that it wouldn't be covered in graffiti during the groundbreaking ceremony 😂 it was a ton of fun and I can't wait to see the progress of the temple over time!

That's pretty much been it for this week! It's been a ton of fun this transfer with Elder Dominguez and serving here in Industrias! Whether I end up staying or leaving this week I'm super grateful for the amazing experiences I've had here and the people the Lord has placed in my path! I know He has a plan for each one of us and if we strive our best to follow him, we will receive so many more blessings than we could ever imagine! Love you all tons and hope you guys have a super fun week! Smile big and keep looking for the good every day! Nos vemosssssss!!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Primera Palada (First Shovel) this is what groundbreaking is in Spanish haha and it's this upcoming Saturday! If I'm still in San Luis, there's a chanceeeee we get to go but we'll see!

Invitation of the Month: TEMPLE TIME!! I hope everyone's 30 day fast went super good! I felt like I've grown a ton and even though I've got a long way to go still it's all about progress! In the spirit of the groundbreaking here I want to invite us all to put more focus on the temple this week! At least once a week, I invite you all to either attend the temple if you can, or at least take time to ponder your temple and baptismal covenants! I truly can testify that these covenants are what bring God's power into our lives and as we make time to worship in his holy house, every aspect of our lives will be blessed! 

*Bomb carne asada / (truck) Probably got deported ngl 💀/ World's tiniest dog*

*Painting pros / Downtown San Luis*

**Berenice's Baptism!**

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