Monday, April 8, 2024

Alex mail: 04-08-2024 "Cactus and Cow StomachπŸŒ΅πŸ„"


What is uppp everyone?? How was the week? I hope it was a super great one for each one of you and that you had the opportunity to watch General Conference! And if you haven't yet, no worries you still can! Definitely was so spiritually uplifting and such a great opportunity for us all to receive revelation for our individual lives and our families!

Well if you're wondering about the title for this week's email I officially tried two of the weirdest foods I think I have ever eaten this past week πŸ˜‚. Yep that's right I ate both cactus and cow stomach this week (separate occasions lol). The cactus wasn't horrible, mostly just tasted like sour green beans. But oh man let me tell ya cow stomach is not the move πŸ˜– πŸ˜‚. I had it in a soup and, let's just say it smelled horrible, had a super slimy texture, and you could see the bumps from where the hairs were hahaha. Definitely 10/10 would not recommend lol but after some desperate prayers we made it through the bowl haha.

Two other funny things that happened this week were 1. We got spam blocked on "Whatsapp for a day πŸ’€πŸ˜‚ . Yeahhh we learned it's a little tough to do missionary work when you can't call or text anybody hahaha. All good though we thankfully got unblocked the next day and we were still able to do some good work and see Miracles even if we couldn't really contact people like normal! And 2. We also had the solar eclipse here in Mexico today and oh man everyone thought the world was ending πŸ˜‚  Los Mexicanos and their superstitions! haha. School got canceled, people told us to not wear long sleeves for some reason, and if you're over 40 don't leave the house lol. Don't worry though we're still alive turns out nothing went wrong hahaha.

On the spiritual side of things though we had a really productive week! Lots of really great lessons where we were able to invite people to watch general conference and testify of Christ's restored church and our living prophet on the earth today! We saw so much more power when we testified of these foundational truths and definitely something I want to keep doing for the rest of my mission!

We were also able to have the Baptism of 2 kids of members in our ward this week, Paco and Valentina! Even though they are both only 8 years old they have such strong testimonies and I'm super inspired by their example to me and desire to follow Jesus Christ! It was a super spiritual moment and great news we had clean water this time! πŸ˜‚ 

And the highlight of the week, General Conference! I absolutely loved General Conference! There's something just extra special about Conference while on a mission and I just soaked up every second of it that I could! We were able to watch in English which was clutch haha. I think the Saturday morning session had to have been my favorite, with talks by President Holland, President Eyring, President Nelson, Elder Kearon, and Elder Soares being some of my favorites! It was amazing to see my questions I took into conference be answered in so many ways and I truly have a testimony that Christ is directing His church today! God truly wants to bless us with all of the knowledge that we seek, we just need to turn to Him and trust that we'll receive in His own time and way! I also loved how central the temple and our covenants were in almost every single talk! Please, please, please if you have the opportunity to attend the temple regularly and frequently, make this the number 1 priority in your life! I testify that nothing will bless your life more, and that service in the temple, and not taking it for granted, is one of the greatest ways we can show our love for God and our Savior Jesus Christ! Love you all tons and have an amazing week!

Love, Elder McDonald


Word of the Week: 1. Nopales y 2. Menudo (1.Cactus 2.Cow stomach) had to go two this week since they both deserved it πŸ˜‚ . Menudo will probably now be on the list of things I tell people I can't eat hahaha

Invitation of the Month: INSPIRED QUESTIONS!! How was your experience taking questions to conference?? I hope you were each able to receive answers from our Heavenly Father but if you feel like you haven't, that's ok!! Keep studying, praying, seeking, and trusting that the lord will deliver in his own perfect timing and way! I promise answers will always come!

***Dairy Queen with the district**

**Mexican backpack drip/ someone gave me my first soccer jersey literally has ALL the sponsors**

**Conference snacks and setup**

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