Monday, April 15, 2024

Alex mail 4-15-2024: "My MTC Dawg👀"

Howdy, Howdy everyone, how has the week been? I hope it was a super fun one and that you are all enjoying the nice spring weather back home! It's been just another solid week down here in Mexico! The biggest news and highlight from this week, was transfers! This past transfer was only 5 weeks because our Mission President had a training when transfers normally would have been, which means that this new transfer will be 7 weeks to get us back on the normal schedule. All good though, I'm crazy excited because my new companion is my dawg Elder Nielson! We were in the MTC together in the same district and so we already know each other and have the same amount of time in the mission! We're super excited and ready to work and it's already been a ton of fun the first few days here in Popular! Elder Wahlin and I were able to do some really good work prepping the area and now Elder Nielson and I are hoping to see some good success this transfer!

We had a lot of really good lessons and visits with members this past week, especially with Elder Wahlin leaving and lots of people wanting to say goodbye to him! I love being able to meet so many amazing people and families as a missionary and I'm so grateful for the opportunity every single day to testify of my Savior Jesus Christ and His restored gospel! Even though Elder Nielson and I aren't perfect at speaking Spanish, we've seen a ton of miracles and help from Heavenly Father in teaching His children! It’s helped me realize that the Spirit truly is the real teacher and that the Lord is able to magnify all of our efforts to accomplish His will! Our confidence in the Lord continues to grow each and every day and regardless of what we may feel like our weaknesses are, I testify that the Lord has the power and desire to help us overcome every single one and turn them into strengths!

We had a lot of ward activities this week, which were all super fun! We got to help out with a skit they did about temple-work and you already know I nailed my part of just yelling in English 😂. We also had a ‘noche-de-hogar’ (family night) with our ward when a missionary returned home, and it was awesome to just reflect on how grateful I am to be serving! Time is definitely flying-by and I don't wanna waste a minute of it! I've truly learned that the most joy in this life comes from following our Savior Jesus Christ and His gospel and I invite you all, to just be all in! Turn your life completely to Him and see the joy and miracles that will come!!

Some highlight lessons this week were with Alejandro and Tita, Manuel, and the Sustaita family! They're all progressing super well and have a ton of desires to learn and come unto their Savior! So grateful for the opportunity to serve in this area for at least one more transfer! That's about it for the week, hope you guys have another awesome one and feel free to always reach out if you need anything at all! Love you all and keep smilingggg!!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Elote (Mexican Corn) Found out what the Mexican corn stuff from “Nacho Libre” is called 😂 had it for the second time at our ward activity and I gotta say this one was much better 😂 

 Invitation of the Month: INSPIRED QUESTIONS!! I've loved trying to focus more on studying with questions in mind! It’s been a game changer and has made it so much easier to recognize revelation and answers to questions! Try it out this week! Go to the scriptures and pray with specific questions in mind!

**Lunch with the white boy district / Elder Nielson**

** Homie juggling knives and a soccer ball/ I found my truck/ Railroad vibes/ Who needs a wall when you have telephone wires**

** I Broke my Jam!/ Tacos y Elote**

**Hasta Luego Elder Wahlin!**

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