Monday, May 13, 2024

Alex mail 05-13-2024: "Locked in Keys, Broken Window"


Heyooooo what is good everyone hope you guys are all doing well and had a super good week! This week actually flew by we're just having a ton of fun and working crazy hard down here in Mexico! I love the mission and am just so grateful for this opportunity I have to serve the Lord each and every day!

If you're wondering about the title for this week's email we had a fun little adventure this week 😅😂 . We accidentally locked our keys into our house and then later realized after leaving a lesson a little bit later. Also to make things worse our landlady somehow doesn't have a spare key to the house that she owns 😑. After a few failed attempts to pick the lock and break in 😂, we called our Elders quorum president to ask if he knew how much a locksmith would cost. But he told us to just break the window because it would be way cheaper to replace than getting a locksmith so that's what we did 😁 don't worry we had landlady approval and it's all fixed now but definitely a fun adventure this week haha. Life-lesson, don't lock your keys in your apartment it's the worst hahaha. Zone conference from Elder Montoya. We've really been focusing on baptism and the importance of covenants in all that we do, and we've just seen an even greater spirit during our lessons!

We got to do exchanges again this week and this time I got to go to Boulevard with my dawg Elder Miller! He's from California and this is his first transfer in the mission so he's only got like 4 weeks but the dude is such a stud! I got a little taste of training haha but he's like the most prepared trainee I've ever seen his Spanish is already crazy good, he knows his area super well, and he just is a solid missionary already! It was a super fun day and I learned a ton from him about developing charity and just giving our all in whatever way we possibly can!

And just wanted to finish off the letter this week with a crazy cool miracle that we saw! So one night we get out of a lesson that was clear on the other side of our area around 8:45. We're supposed to be home by 9:30 and so we were just gonna take a bus and have plenty of time to spare. Well after waiting for 30 minutes without a bus in sight, Elder Nielson and I decided to say a quick prayer and trust that the Lord would deliver. A few minutes later a bus drives by, we signal for it to stop, and it drives past us and all of a sudden, slams on the breaks and we get on. When we get on, we realized there was no one else on the bus and after talking to the bus driver for a sec realized that he was on his way home and the busses stopped at 8:30. However he told us that when he first saw us he was just gonna drive right past but he said something made him stop! He was a super cool guy and ended up taking us home for free, such a cool experience and a huge Testament that God truly does watch over his missionaries! I promise God is in the details of our lives, we just have to choose to look for him and trust that He will deliver, because He always will! Love you guys tons and hope you have an awesome week!! Hasta luego!

Love, Elder MacDonald's (as all the Latinos say hahaha)

Word of the Week: Bochito (Slug Bugs) I finally took a picture of one this week but super old slug bug cars are crazy common here and there's actually some super cool ones! I'll try to take more pics of them haha


Invitation of the Month: STUDY THE ATONEMENT!! I've absolutely loved trying to focus on my Savior and his Atonement in everything I studied this past week! It's so amazing to see how his sacrifice truly is central and foundational in all that we believe and do in the church! I'm so grateful for my Savior and everything that he has done for us!

**Broken Window**

**Pig calf 😶/ Torta time / Bomb enchiladas**

**Palm tree vibes / Drip bochito**

**Concha night**

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