Monday, May 6, 2024

Alex mail 05-06-2024: ""Elder Montoya!😱👀"


Hello hello everybody! Hope you are all doing well and had a super awesome week! Just another fantastic week down here in Mexico! It's starting to get warm haha but it's not stopping us from working hard and we're having a ton of fun! We saw some awesome miracles and had some super memorable experiences this week so let's jump right in!

The biggest highlight of the week was having Elder Montoya of the Quorum of Seventy here for our Zone Conference! He's the area president over this part of Mexico and man, is he a spiritual tank! Such a cool experience to be able to meet him and learn a ton from him and his wife! Hermana Montoya talked a lot about how we can truly teach with the Spirit as our constant companion which was awesome! Super cool to be able to ponder what things we can eliminate from our daily lives that are distracting us from or not allowing the Holy Ghost to be with us constantly! President and Hermana Webb talked a lot about faith and just how necessary it is, not just in this work but as disciples of our Savior Jesus Christ!

Elder Montoya shared some amazing experiences from his mission, taught about how we need to keep baptism and covenants as our central focus in all that we do, and how amazing the gifts of repentance and the atonement truly are! He also invited us to smile more! Something so simple that can truly change someone's life, after all the gospel is a gospel of hope and joy! When we seek to smile in every situation we're truly living what we teach and becoming true disciples of Christ! And lastly he talked a lot about promising specific blessings to people, especially with our calling and authority as direct representatives of Jesus Christ! Definitely learned a ton about some new things we're going to start applying to this work and I'm just so grateful to know that this truly is Christ's church on the earth today! I testify that Christ truly is directing his work through his amazing leaders of his church!

Another big highlight this past week was getting to go to 2 baptisms! Not in our area haha but people that I've helped teach! The first on Saturday morning was Adalberto, Elder Ramsay and I found him about a month ago in their area and man, is this guy the definition of elect and prepared! Ever since the first lesson he's loved the gospel, accepted everything right away, and showed so much faith! He shows up to church 2 hours early every Sunday to just sit in the chapel and read the Book of Mormon ðŸ¥¹. Such a special moment and I hope that I and all of us can be a lot more like Adalberto the goat! The other baptism was Saturday afternoon in my old area Industrias! My boy Diego is only 9 years old but already has a strong testimony and is just such a stud! I got to teach him basically everything while I was there but left before he got baptized. So glad I got to go back to see his special day and to see some amazing ward members who made such a difference in my life!

A big focus for us this week was holding in person lessons in the church and we saw so many miracles from it! We had some powerful, spiritual lessons with Javier, Isabel, and Estefania and I'm just so grateful for our dedicated chapels and the spirit we're able to feel there each week! Don't take the wonderful gift of this restored church for granted! Be all-in every single week and I promise you will see Miracles! Love you all so so much and hope you have a fantastic week! Keep smiling and do good!

 Love, Elder McDonald

 P.S. check out Elder Montoya's talks from general conference they're so fire ðŸ‘€ ðŸ”¥  

The Eternal Principle of Love

Tested and Tempted—but Helped


Word of the Week: Burrito (little donkey ðŸ˜‚) don't ask me why it took me 9 months to connect the dots that the food burrito means "little donkey" but it did ðŸ¤£ . Elder Nielson enlightened me this week haha and fun fact I haven't seen a burrito here they're literally nonexistent lol

Invitation of the Month: STUDY THE ATONEMENT!! The main invitation elder Montoya gave us was to really study and personally come to know the significance of the Atonement! This month in everything you study relate it back to the Savior's sacrifice for you and the most important event in the history of the world! He promised us as we do so we will truly develop a personal relationship with our Savior and feel immense love for what he truly has done for us!

**Adalberto the GOAT // Diego my Boyyyy**

**I didn't do it I promise // Just your casual lizard in the grocery store**

**Mexican Murals**

**Feliz Ramsay for Mother's day // MTC district Zone Conference**

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