Monday, May 20, 2024

Alex mail 05-20-2024: "Members Bring Spiritual Power!!"


What is up what is up everybodyyyy!! Hope you all are doing well and had a crazy fun week! Crazy that we're already to the end of another school year back home I'm feeling old 😂. We're having a ton of fun though out here in popular! Elder Nielson and I are just grinding, having a ton of fun, and just seeing miracles left and right it's the best!

We had a ton of really cool member lessons this week and man, they brought some spiritual power! Some of the ones that really stood out were with the familia Sustaita, Javier, and Alejandro! In each one we really focused on the importance of our covenants and especially baptism! The members that we invited just brought so much spiritual power and their testimonies were perfect for each one of our friends! We're super hopeful to help each one of them progress towards baptism super soon, and it's a huge thanks to the members! For all the members out there don't underestimate the spiritual power you can bring in any situation daily! Lots of people think you have to be a missionary to share the gospel but really, it's a responsibility of every single one of us as members and disciples of Christ! Trust in the power of your covenants and desires to live righteously and I promise you will see miracles each and every day!

Got to go on exchanges with my boy Elder Whitaker again this week, this time in his area in Boulevard 2! Also, a huge plus was getting to stay in their house which is definitely the nicest in the mission! Nice little break from "the dungeon" as elder Nielson and I have started calling our house haha. Elder Whitaker and his comp are opening the area so they don't have a ton of people in teaching yet, haha, but we had some awesome visits with members and really just focused on talking with everyone! He's a super good missionary and it was a ton of fun to just laugh with him and learn from him! Super grateful for the opportunity to meet and work with so many different missionaries and grow together as disciples of Christ!

For P-day today, we got to play basketball with all the Elders here in San Luis and President, who is in town for interviews this next week! I don't remember if I've mentioned it, but President played basketball for BYU with Danny Ainge when they went to the sweet 16 👀👀 so yeah, he's still crazy good lol. And then we hit Costco which has become the P-day tradition of the white-boy district 😂  we love our American things haha!

I also loved studying about Abinadi this week in the book of Mormon! I learned a ton about how to become a better teacher and just loved his example of always testifying and pointing back to Christ! It made me just so much more grateful for my Savior and all that he truly has done for us! I know that he's the only way to true happiness and eternal life with our families and I'm so grateful to get to share that message with all the people I meet here in Mexico! Look for Christ in all that you do and I promise you will be filled with more joy than you could ever imagine! Love you all tons and have an awesome week!!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Descansar (to rest) I was reading this past week in Alma 43 in the Spanish Book of Mormon and verse 1 stood out to me so much. It talks about how the sons of Alma are going out to preach but then also says "Alma no pudo descansar", meaning Alma could not rest! He cared so much about the salvation of the children of God that even after all he had done, he could not rest and decided to go back out preaching and teaching! How amazing would the gathering of Israel be if every single member of the church had this same desire and "could not rest"? It starts with each one of us!

Invitation of the Month: STUDY THE ATONEMENT!! Has anyone else noticed that Christ and His Atonement can literally be found everywhere in the scriptures? I loved learning more and more about my Savior each day and really pondering what He truly has done for every single one of us!

**San Luissss**

** We got PAID & Nutella Milkeyway!** ;)

**Elder Whitaker for President / Elder Nielson with da puppies**

**Mexico Sunset**

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