Monday, May 27, 2024

Alex Mail 05-27-2024: "Alma 26:12"


How we doing everyone!! Hope everyone is doing great and is enjoying the start of summer! This week has been CRAZY full of miracles! That's why I chose alma 26:12 as this week's title, it's for sure been the scripture of the week! For those who don't know, it says "Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever." It has been so true and I'm just amazed even more each and every day for the miracles God blesses us with and his hand in this work! To quote my cousin the goat Elder Casperson, "the work is moving as it should because the Lord is in control"! Let's jump into the highlights!

On Tuesday I got to do exchanges with my dawg Elder Hooley again! He's been my ZL my entire time in Mexico and we got to do our 2nd exchange together and he's just such a stud! Learned so much from him about how to teach more directly, clearly, and lovingly while testifying with spiritual power! We met an amazing new family who's already so accepting of the gospel and who came to church on Sunday! Also had an amazing family home evening with a member family who brought their neighbors! The members here just continue to clutch-up!

Wednesday we had interviews with President and it was so spiritually uplifting as always! So good to just talk with him and feel so much of Christ's love through him! And then during our interview with the APs they challenged us to have the faith to find someone that day who will be baptized! So that day Elder Nielson and I went out with the intent to do it, and we saw a miracle! We had a phenomenal lesson with a guy named Adrian and he is definitely someone we believe that can be baptized! So cool to see the spirit guiding us when we just go out and trust that the Lord will deliver!

Thursday was just a day for the books! First of all the Lord provided tons of miracles to help us drop a 5-bomb member lesson day! Definitely the most member lessons I've had on my mission.  The testimonies of members just can't be beat! In one of those 5 lessons we were able to put a baptismal date for my boy Javier on June 8th! He's such a stud and is so ready, he already has such a strong testimony and when we finished the lesson he told us "well you guys better start getting the water ready!" 😂 he's the goat, love that dude so much!

And then to cap it all off on Sunday we had, I think, the most friends I've ever had on my mission come to church! They just kept coming through the doors Elder Nielson and I were on top of the world haha! So awesome to see them show their faith and to see some hard work pay off! The Lord is working wonders here in Popular and I'm so grateful to be a part of it! We get transfer news tomorrow so we'll see if I stay or if I leave on Thursday, either way I know I'll be exactly where the Lord needs me to be! Crazy, we're already to the end of the 7 week transfer, but hey, time flies when you're having fun doing the Lord's work! Love ya'll tons, keep smiling, and enjoy summer! Feel free to reach out if you need anything at all - I gotchu always! Nos vemos!

Love, Elder McDonald 

Word of the Week: calabozo (dungeon) Elder Nielson and I found this one for our house 😂😂 the cockroaches came back this week, dang it 😭 don't worry though we vibin' hahaha

 Invitation of the Month: STUDY THE ATONEMENT!! My love for the Savior has grown so much this past month and I hope it has for you all too! I know that we never have to go at it alone because of his eternal sacrifice for us and because of our covenants!

**The Park - fanciest mall in Mexico 👀

**Golf simulator with the white boy district 🥹

**Say goodbye to Elder Goana the GOAT AP**

**Kaaachowww / Overlook of San Luis**

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