Monday, June 3, 2024

Alex mail 06-03-2024: "Run it Back!!"


How we doing how we doing everyone?? Hope it's been an amazing week for ya and hey if not, we've got a new week let's make this one a great one! This week we got transfer news and found out that both Elder Nielson and I are staying here in popular for one more! We also found out that "white-boy season" lives on 😂 we lost Elder Ramsay the GOAT ZL but our new Zone Leader is also American so we got the "White-boy district" again 😂. Elder Nielson and I are hyped we're just in the groove and ready to go see Miracles this transfer's gonna be awesome!

Elder Nielson and I got sick this week which was a little tough, but don't even worry we still grinded! Having a cold on the mission is just the most annoying thing ever, but luckily it only lasted a few days and we still saw the Lord help us out a ton! I think that's definitely a big lesson I learned this week, sometimes we just have to give the best we have and then trust that the Lord will make up the rest, and I promise he always does! God's got your back I promise! 🙏🙏

We had some amazing lessons with our friends in teaching this week, especially Adrian and his family, Oscar, Fatima, Anabel, another Adrian 😂, and Alejandro and Tita! I'm just amazed at the amazing people who the Lord has provided in our lives to help bring the gospel to! They're each just so ready for the hope and joy the gospel brings.  I'm just amazed daily at the Lord's ability to direct his work! Nothing better than being able to bring people the hope, joy, and light they've been looking for, being a missionary is the best!

And lastly my boy Javier has his baptism this upcoming Saturday!! He's so ready and I'm just so impressed by his faith! This week we talked about the commandments and he just kept saying "of course that makes so much sense!" Really, take time this week to appreciate how the gospel truly just makes perfect sense and all the knowledge we've been blessed with! Keep Javier in your prayers this week, that all will go smoothly with the baptism, if you can it would mean a ton! But yeah, I think that's about it, love you all and hope you each have an amazing and super fun week! Elder Nielson and I got some big goals this transfer so stay tuned, BIG things are aboutta go down in popular! 😏👀 👀  

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Campaña (Campaign) This is one of Javier's favorite words he says it all the time 😂😂 the Presidential election just happened here in Mexico and he was a big campaigner and always would remind us 😂  love the guy hahaha

Invitation of the Month: SERVICE WITH A SMILE!! This month we're focusing on turning outward with joy! Who can you serve, help, or uplift this week? I promise it will fill you with so much joy!

*I found the REAL lightning McQueen & The Fieldsssss*

*Javier hooked us up with Claudia drip 😂 & Our Ward Secretary's Rap Album 💀/ Costco Shopping Spree!*

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