Monday, June 17, 2024

Alex mail 06-17-2024: "San Luis Plague"


What's up everyone! Hope it's been an amazing week for you all! This week was awesome we saw a ton of miracles and the work just continues to progress here in Popular which is amazing! If you're wondering about the title for this week it's because literally half our Zone got wiped out by a nasty stomach bug sickness this week ๐Ÿ˜‚. Luckily Elder Nielson and I've been safe so far but it started Monday with one of our ZLs Elder Hooley and throughout the week like half the Zone got it ๐Ÿ’€  don't worry though, basically everyone is better now haha!

We had zone conference on Tuesday! Such a spiritually uplifting meeting and so awesome to see President and Hermana Webb and all the missionaries here in San Luis! We focused a lot on the blessings of daily repentance and doing all within our power to achieve our goals and see success while completing relying on the Lord! Amazing to see how the revelation we received at Zone Conference has lined up perfectly with what Elder Nielson and I have already been trying to focus on as companions, the Spirit is truly guiding!

Had an amazing lesson with our boy Manuel this week! We found out that he had been taught the last few weeks by some other Elders and just recently moved into our area but he's golden! He's got a baptismal date for the 29th and so this week we talked about the word of wisdom and law of chastity to see if we had any problems and he accepted them both so quickly!! He has such great faith and is ready to leave behind anything that is against the commandments of God or that would prevent him from getting baptized!

Last cool miracles this week was my boy Oscar! I talked about him last week and how he's had some big problems with alcohol but this week we found out that he got an infection in his neck. The miracle of this though was that the medication he was on to help with the neck infection also helped him have no desires to drink! So now he's through the hardest part of getting off alcohol and is like 9 days without it! God truly works miracles when we have the faith in him to help us change!! But yeah, that's been about it this week, stay tuned for Fatima's baptism this upcoming Saturday! ๐Ÿ‘€  Love you guys tons and have a great week! Keep smiling and reach out if you need anything at all!

Also shoutout to my cousin Elder Casperson who finishes the mission this week! Can't believe the GOAT is done!!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: peluquerรญa (barber shop) got haircuts today and the dude was from Dallas Texas, spoke fluent English it was so weird hahaha

Invitation of the Month: SERVICE WITH A SMILE!! How have you seen service bless your life this week?? Keep going and keep smiling!!

**We fried our shower ๐Ÿ’€/ They're just too fire ๐Ÿ”ฅ/ Drip coin pouch from Javier**

**Happy Father's day!! / Axolotl Heat ๐Ÿ‘€**

**Elder Woods my dawg / La Popularrr**

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