Monday, June 24, 2024

Alex mail 06-24-2024: "Mexico Got Flooded⛈"

Hellooooo everyone! How was the weekkk?? Estamos felices?? Haha hope everyone is doing good and enjoying summer! We got hit by a ton of rain this week which was actually sooo nice! It was a nice little break from the heat haha we'll see if it keeps going and we start hitting the rainy season! Only bad side is all the streets get crazy flooded and the dirt roads just turn into straight mud haha but it's a party!

Had exchanges with my dawg Elder Whitaker this week which was super fun as always! We were in his area this time and it was the day the rain hit the most, so we were grindinggg haha! They're opening their area and so they don't have a ton of people in their teaching pool, so we did a ton of knocking and it just took me back to my D.C. days especially my first area in Odenton! Definitely some good memories of knocking for days in the rain haha good times. We found some awesome people though and saw some really cool miracles! This is God's work, we just gotta give our all and he'll do the rest!

My testimony of prayer and gratitude has grown a lot this week! We had a lot of lessons fall through and I'm sure every missionary can testify it's one of the most frustrating things on the mission haha but I found a lot of strength and comfort in prayer and gratitude! I really focused on turning those frustrating moments into moments of gratitude and just talking to Heavenly Father through prayer and it made all the difference! Every single time I chose to turn it over to him those feelings of frustration and disappointment were replaced with feelings of joy, gratitude, and hope! Next time frustrating moments or disappointments come your way, give it a try! I promise Heavenly Father will never leave us alone!

The highlight by far of the week was the baptism of Fatima on Saturday! She's so amazing and already has such an amazing testimony of the Church and of the Gospel! She's the friend of a lady in our ward who basically is a full-time missionary lol, she's always helping us out it's awesome! Ever since we met Fatima like 4 or 5 weeks ago we've seen the Spirit touch and change her heart, and now she's just so excited to be in the Church and be such a great example to her 2 little kids! The baptism was amazing and besides the water heater not working 😂 everything went pretty smoothly!

This week I've just reflected a lot on how grateful I am to be a missionary! I truly can testify it's the best decision I've ever made and the most joy I've ever felt in my life! Helping people come home to their Heavenly Father is the greatest joy we can ever experience in this life! If you want to be happy, share the gospel and see the blessings that come!

Love you guys and hope it's another fantastic week! Hasta Luego!!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: veneno de Rata (rat poison) we found this dude this week who apparently drank rat poison 💀 🤣 somehow, he's still alive lol. Dude’s kinda crazy but lowkey wants to turn his life around so we'll give him a shot lol

Invitation of the Month: SERVICE WITH A SMILE!! Last week of the month! Let's finish strong and go help those in need, pray for opportunities to serve and I promise the lord will provide!! 

 **Fatimas baptism!!**

**Panic Button/ Most green I've seen in Mexico!**

**The Floods**

**Me and Whitty / Mexico Vibes**

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