Monday, July 8, 2024

Alex mail 07-08-2024: "Matehuala Here We Come!"


Buenas tardessss!! Happy late 4th of July everyone! Hope it was a great day for everyone, Elder Nielson and I celebrated with fat night (get all the junk food) haha but we also lost our power that day so that was tough ðŸ˜‚. Don't worry though we chillin’ now the dungeon just had to send me off with a bang haha. We got transfer news today and I found out I'll be leaving Popular and going to Matehuala on Wednesday! Matehuala is a smaller city in the most norther part of San Luis that our mission goes so I'm hyped! I'm turning into a Pueblito grinder ðŸ˜Ž. I'm truly a San Luis Elder haha. We'll hit a year without touching Aguascalientes, but I love it out here! I'm so grateful for my time in Popular these last 3 transfers have flownnn by but I've learned so much and grown a ton! I've definitely encountered some of the most difficult living situations and addictions I've seen in my time here, haha, but with that I've also met some of the humblest people and seen some amazing miracles! I can truly testify that the Lord is truly directing this work and has a plan for each one of his missionaries!

This week I think one of the best lessons we had was with our boy Jesus Salvador! Last week, he contacted us in the street. haha  We learned his mom and all her side of the family are members! When he was little his parents got divorced and he ended up on his dad's side of the family, who are all Catholic. However now he wants to be baptized and has a date for the end of July! So cool to see how people truly see what a difference the gospel can make in their lives even before they're members!  Popular's got a lot of miracles coming I know my dawg Elder Nielson will take good care of it!!

We had a ton of super cool experiences with President and Hermana Webb this week! I don't know if I mentioned it earlier in the transfer or not, haha but every first mission devotional in the transfer is a trivia game and the winning district gets to go to dinner with President and Hermana Webb! Well,(as winners!) this last Friday we went to Chilis and it was so fun! They're just the sweetest people ever and so much fun to hear all their life stories! And then Saturday, we had interviews with President which were amazing and super spiritual as always! After, we got to do a quick 2-hour exchange in our area with the AP’s and it was so cool! I went with Elder Caviglia from Argentina and he's just such a phenomenal missionary! Definitely the fastest I’ve walked on the mission haha, but such a cool learning experience! The spiritual highlight of the week had to have been on Sunday night! We had just finished our weekly planning at about 7:30pm and all of the sudden, we get a call from President. He told us he needed us to go give priesthood blessings to 7 different Sister Missionaries and he needed more Priesthood holders and consecrated oil haha! So, we got to go with him and man, it was such a cool experience! So amazing to work side by side with our Mission President, to bless the lives of a few Sisters and I'm just so grateful to be able to serve God's children with His holy Priesthood! Never take the Priesthood or blessings for granted, God has literally given us His power here on the earth! Let's not let it go to waste!

I'm excited for the adventures ahead! I know Matehuala will be like nothing I've ever experienced before, but I know the Lord needs me there, so let's go give it our all! The work is booming, this last month the mission had the highest baptisms the mission has seen in the 2 years that President and Hermana Webb have been here, let's keep it rolling!! ðŸ˜Ž  After all, this is the Lord's work, why would we expect anything different? Love you all and hope you have a fantastic week! See ya’ll in 8 días (as Mexicans describe one week for some reason) ðŸ˜‚

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Rama (Branch) Matehuala is aboutta be the first Branch (of the church) I've served in instead of a Ward haha! Let's get it!

Invitation of the Month: STUDY TO HEAR!! Today I want to re-emphasize President Nelsons invitation to focus on how do you hear him? Really focus this week on learning how the Spirit speaks to you and acting on those promptings! I promise answers will come!

**Exchanges with AP's / Bye Elder Ivens 😭// Elder Hunter the GOAT**

**Chilis with Pres and Hermana Webb! **

**Ducktales / Tiangissss / Fat Night!! (With no power) 💀**

**Beautiful Mexico**

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