Monday, July 15, 2024

Alex mail 07-15-2024: "Distrito Idahoooo!!"


Happy Mondayyyyyyy!! How we all doingggg hope it was another super great week for ya’ll! This week has been wild haha, lots of change but so many exciting things as well! I made it to Matehuala! We had transfers this last Wednesday and so got to take the 2 and 1/2 hour bus ride up here which was fun! Matehuala is so sick it's actually not that tiny, I mean we still have a Walmart, so I'm chillin’ ðŸ˜‚. But our branch also had like 70-80 people attending on Sunday and the chapel was completely full so hopefully we're in the process of becoming a ward soon! It's also super pretty up here we've got a lot more mountains around us and our whole area is just a hill so you already know I'm getting my steps in climbing up it every day ðŸ˜… ðŸ˜‚. My new comps name is Elder Smullin and is at 7 months in the mission! Andddd he's actually from Middleton, Idaho! Crazy to be comps with someone who lived like 20 minutes from me haha! That brings us to the title of this week's email, 4 of our 6 district members are from Idaho actually! Me, Elder Smullin, Elder Daylay (from Melba) and Hermana young (from Mountain Home)! So, I think it's safe to say we're the Idaho District! I'm super hyped to be here though, the work is booming and the missionaries are just super awesome!

My last few days in Popular were so good too! Super fun and bittersweet to say goodbye to some amazing ward members that I feel like are family now! So grateful for the 4 1/2 months I had to serve there it changed my life forever! The amazing miracles that I saw and the people that I met will truly be memories I hold onto forever! Just so eternally grateful for the opportunity to be an instrument in the hands of the Lord and help bring his children home! For anyone who is thinking about going on a mission let me tell you it will be the greatest decision of your entire life! There is nothing more rewarding than helping bring people who feel hopeless and completely in darkness the eternal light and truth of the gospel! All you need is a desire to serve the Lord and be an instrument in His hands and I promise He will do the rest!

The work here in Matehuala has been so busy already! We've got a few people that we're helping progress towards baptism very soon and a ton more people that are working towards that point as well! Elder Smullin is awesome and just wants to work super hard which has been so fun! Can't wait for the miracles ahead, the only reason God would put 6 missionaries in 1 branch is if big things are coming, can't wait to see! ðŸ‘€

Something that really stuck out to me this week was just how truly blessed we are to have a knowledge of the plan of salvation and the gospel of Jesus Christ! My 2nd day here in Matehuala we had a funeral for a lady that unexpectedly passed away in the branch. While it was sad, there was also so much hope because of the knowledge that we've been given! I know without a doubt that families can live together for eternity and this life is not the end! If you want that blessing, live the gospel, it's that simple! I testify that Christ has provided the way to overcome any obstacle that comes our way, all we have to do is trust in him! Love you guys and thank you so much for all the love and support! Have an awesome week!

Also, shoutout to my dawg Elder Sainsbury on hitting the 1 year mark!! Can't believe we're almost halfway ðŸ¤¯ let's go grind!!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Tiendita Americana (Little American Store) for some reason there's a ton of American stores here with American food and candy hahaha it's amazing I love it so much

INVITATION OF THE MONTH: STUDY TO HEAR!! How has studying to hear the voice of the spirit going?? This week I want to invite you all to really focus on truly how you "hear him"! How does the Savior personally speak to you, listen!

**Distrito Idaho!**

**Gotta love the American goods! / Mexican moving**

**Matehuala views**

**Saying bye to Elder Nielson 🥲 / Obispo and fam**

**Alejandro, Tita, and Emilio / Legend I met from Texas**

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