Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Alex mail 07-29-2024:"When Streets Become Rivers🌊"


Happy Monday everyone! Hope it's been a fantastic week for you all and a week full of miracles! We had another super solid week out here in Matehuala, that is besides all the rain! We had rain almost every single day and since all of Matehuala is basically one big hill, every single road turned into a flowing river😭😂 . Let's just say we had some wet feet at the end of the night after crossing some of those big ones haha but hey nothing is too big of a sacrifice for the lord and his work! Only bad part is that most Mexicans think they're allergic to the rain for fear of getting sick so we walked a lot of empty roads this week haha. However it was a pretty nice break from the heat! Just gotta focus on those blessings, they're always there!

I got to do exchanges with Elder Scott from the other Matehuala Elders area this week on Tuesday! He's a super chill guy and only has 3 months in the mission so it was fun to work with him a lot and help him grow! It made me reflect a ton on how I used to be in his exact same spot what feels like only a few months ago, and so it was fun to be able to give him some tips of things that helped me! It was also super cool to just look back and see how much I've grown! I know I've grown and changed a ton over this past year but all for the better! I can truly testify that if we will just humbly take our weaknesses and shortcomings to the Lord, He will magnify them and help us become the people he wants us to become!

I had 2 first time experiences this week on my mission haha, the first was getting asked by a friend in teaching why the Bible says only 144,000 people will be saved, and the second was the first person I've taught who tried to defend and held firm in their belief of the necessity of infant baptism haha. Both of these questions just made me reflect and realize just truly how grateful I am for the knowledge of Heavenly Father's perfect love and plan for each one of his children, and the amazing knowledge we've been blessed with through the restored gospel of Jesus Christ! Whenever you have questions or doubts, choose to humbly take them to the Lord and I promise He will teach you what is true!

Finally, to end off the week, on Sunday the other Elders had a baptism of their friend Maria after church! She's just the sweetest old lady you'll ever meet haha, right now she's having a tonnnn of struggles with her health and it was a miracle that she was able to come to church and be baptized! You could see such a change in her when we talked about the gospel, she went from not being fully engaged in conversations to being able to recall with so much clarity every single principle of the gospel that she'd be taught! Such a cool example of the power of the Holy ghost when we exercise true and lasting faith! Regardless of her health trials she trusted that the Lord would deliver and bless her and she was willing to sacrifice whatever it took to have a covenant with him! I hope we can all be a little more like Maria and sacrifice whatever is standing in our way of having a more complete covenant relationship with the lord!

Love each and every one of you! Have a fantastic week and keep enjoying the summer! Que les vayan bien!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Calle Rio (River street) Man you're missing out until you get the chance to experience Matehuala in the rain it's a whole new world haha!

Invitation of the Month: STUDY TO HEAR! Last week of this months goal! Seek to find new ways to feel or hear the Holy ghost each and every single day! 

**Da rivers / Mathehuala Cathedral**

**We found a pig 🤣/ Elder Dayley / It's not copyrighted, I promise**

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