Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Alex mail 07-22-2024: Don't Eat Shrimp🤢🤮


What is good how we doing everyone?? Hope it was another fantastic week for you all! This week flew by but that's what happens when you're having fun!! The mission is just the best haha the tough moments and the amazing moments and everything in between! Can't believe we're almost at the year mark but hey that means we've still got a year left to grind! 😎 

If you're wondering about this week's title let's just say my 10+ year no throw-up streak was broken on Saturday 😭. I would NOT recommend eating shrimp in the middle of Mexico especially when the nearest coast is about 5 hours away hahaha. We showed up for member food on Saturday and when we walk in they just had this big pot of soup sitting on the table. As Elder Smullin and I looked at it a little bit closer we realized that it was made up of 1. What looked like Spaghetti-O sauce 2. Chunks of avocado and tomato and 3. Shrimp that was very pink and not very clean hahaha. Let's just say we grinded through that meal and the stomach did not react very well that night 😭😂 all good though we survived, and we're back out here grinding!

We had Zone Conference this week which was so spiritually uplifting once again! This time we got to travel into San Luis for it so we took the 2 1/2 hour bus ride each way, almost missing the bus both ways 😅 but it was nice to just have some time to chill, especially when missionary work is usually nonstop action! It was awesome to be able to see some old companions and just some amazing missionaries that I can truly say have become some of my best friends! By far though the best part was President fulfilling his promise to dance haha! Last Zone Conference he promised that if our mission got 60+ baptisms in the month of June he would get on the table and dance and guess what, we got 70 😎😂. He didn't get on the table but you already know we just had a huge dance party haha it was awesome! Also heard some amazing messages about the importance of the Sabbath day and especially the sacrament each week, the blessings of constant joy in the gospel, and the powerful effect of being an all-in disciple of Jesus Christ! 

I think by far the highlight lesson and miracle of the week was meeting our friend Jose Blanco! One day after leaving food we got a text (in English) from someone which is pretty rare haha. They basically told us that they are recent converts who live in Texas but the husband/father of the family still lives here in Matehuala and they were wondering if we could come teach him! Man, it was one of the most joyful and spiritual lessons I've ever had! We were able to give him a priesthood blessing and teach him the Plan of Salvation as he's dealing with the recent loss of his parents. His family were also studs, they were testifying with so much power and just so much fire for the gospel! Whether you've been a member for 1 day or 100 years, never lose that fire to share the blessings we've been given!

I think that's it for the week, love each of ya’ll tons and never be afraid to reach out! Nos vemosssss!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Camarón (shrimp) yeah... this one doesn't need much explaining haha let's just say I'm telling everyone from now on I'm allergic 😂

Invitation of the Month: STUDY TO HEAR!! How does the lord speak to you personally? This week I would love to invite you both to focus on how you've heard him in the past, as well as new ways you can hear him now! I promise and testify he is ready to speak to you!


**First Body Armor in 1 year 😁🥺/ Costco run/  Chicken little! 👀**

**Me and the Compitas/ Aler Whitty / Elder Hooley my lifetime ZL / Yo y Elder Smullin**

**Only cute dog in Mexico / Crazy lightning storm we had**

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