Monday, August 19, 2024

Alex mail 08-19-2024: " 1 and Done!"

 Happy Monday everybody! Hope everyone is doing well and those who are starting school again are having a blast! I cannot believe how quick the summer has gone by time just keeps going faster and faster! But hey just another reason to be all-in wherever you are and love every single minute! We had another week full of miracles out here in Matehuala! It's been amazing to see how the Lord has prepared so many of His children to receive the message of the restored gospel! And if you're wondering about this week's title, we found out transfer news today! Definitely came as a big surprise but I'm actually already going to another area! I'll be going back to my old district actually, haha but this time in the area called “Boulevard” with my dawg Elder Hunter! Definitely a little sad to be leaving Matehuala after only 1 transfer but I know this next area is where the Lord needs me! I'm super excited though it'll be awesome to stay in the same Zone and go work with a lot of people, missionaries, and areas I'm already familiar with! And in like 4 weeks I'll get to come back up to Matehuala for exchanges anyways haha! But yeah, definitely some big change once again but I know the Lord's got my back!

We met some absolutely amazing families this week! I think teaching families on the mission is just my favorite thing ever haha, it's just so true that the family is central in everything in the gospel of Jesus Christ! It's so cool to see the changes people go from, from lots of difficulties and problems within the family to seeing them find how to be united in Christ! One family we met this week was a family of 8!! They were just the sweetest people ever and just so ready to hear the good news of the gospel! I love being able to help people find that light they've been searching so long for! I can testify that the gospel doesn't take away our problems, but it does help us overcome any problem we face! Your family or life might not always be easy in the gospel, but I can testify that through the gospel we can overcome any trial and find true and lasting unity, peace, and joy!

One lesson that really stood out to me this week was with our friend Joana! She's so amazing and loves everything about the church, she's just still a little nervous about committing to baptism. So, we went into the lesson and for the first hour we just answered a ton of her questions and doubts! At the end of that she said how she couldn't understand how we were able to respond to all her questions so perfectly, giving Elder Smullin and I the opportunity to testify that it wasn't us answering her, it was her loving Heavenly Father through the Holy Ghost! At the end of the lesson, we invited her to pray and listen right there to what Heavenly Father needed her to do, and the Spirit in the room was palpable! It felt like we were sitting in the Celestial Room of the temple and I was just filled with gratitude that Elder Smullin and I were able to be instruments in God's hands! Nothing that happened was because of us, it was all God! But I can testify that when we just strive to do our best, God will work wonders through us! And if you could please keep Joana in your prayers that she'll be able to get baptized super soon! I think that's pretty much it for the week, on to the next chapter and hope you guys have a great week! Les amoooooooo!!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Guayaba (Guava)  we ate with the shrimp lady again this week lol luckily the food was fine but the agua was the same guava flavored as last time with the shrimp and it just brought back so much PTSD 😭😭  we survived though hahaha

Invitation of the Month: LOVE INSTEAD OF JUDGE!! I think something that can help all of us love more is focusing on "the why" of the decisions we make! Helping others understand why we choose to live the gospel and seeking to understand others perspective will help us eliminate contention and show more love! Give it a try this week!

*$8 USD capn crunch... worth it 😍/ La Coca/ Pancake nightttt*

*Just your average Mexican alley / Rama Sports Night/ Quinceanera parade/ Elder Scott got the Dayley Fade 💀*

*Matehuala centro / Yo y Elder Smullin / Las Mariachis*

*Distrito Idaho 🥹

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