Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Alex mail 08-26-2024: "Back in Boulevard!"

Howdy howdy how we doinggggg?? Hope everything is going well! It's been another crazy week especially with transfers and coming back to my old district! It's still crazy to believe I'm right next-door, area wise, to where I had just been 6 weeks ago haha, but I'm loving it! It's been awesome to see some of the members in popular again and some of our recent converts from there! And it's definitely been a little bit of an easier adjustment with transfers coming back to an area where I was already a little familiar! My new comp, Elder Hunter is such a dawg - he's awesome! For all my Jazz Basketball fans out there, Elder Hunter played high school basketball with Cody Williams the guy they just drafted ๐Ÿ‘€ so yeah, watch out - Hunter is gonna get me good this transfer ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜‚. I'm super hyped to be with him though, I've already learned a ton from him and I know we're gonna have a ton of fun and work crazy hard!

While it definitely was a little sad leaving Matehuala after only being there for 6 weeks, I still learned a ton in my time there and am so grateful for the amazing people I met! I think one of the biggest lessons I learned was to never take a single moment for granted! Even in just those 6 weeks I was able to meet some people that have changed my life forever! All the Lord needs is a split-second to change our lives or the life of someone else. Don't miss that opportunity! Choose to be all-in, every single moment and I promise, the Lord will work miracles in every situation you're in!

We have already seen so many miracles here in my first week in Boulevard! We have 3 amazing families that we are teaching, which has been so fun! With each, we focused on the blessings and importance of the Plan of Salvation and baptism as our way to receive those eternal blessings! It went super, super well and I'm just so grateful for the knowledge we've been blessed with, and the gameplan Heavenly Father has given us! If you want to be happy and live as a family forever, truly live the gospel and truly live your covenants, it's that simple! I know that our Heavenly Father loves us more than we can ever imagine and in the words of Elder Patrick Kearon (of the 12 Apostles,) "God is in relentless pursuit of you!!” I testify He wants to bring you home! Love ya’ll tons and hope it's another fantastic week! Hasta la prรณxima!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Cazador (Hunter) You already know we introduce ourselves to everyone in the street as Elder “MacDonals” and Elder “Cazador”๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ˜‚  Boulevard ain't ready for what's coming hahaha!

Invitation of the Month: LOVE INSTEAD OF JUDGE!! Last week of this month’s challenge! I love the scripture in the book of Moroni that says to pray for charity with all the energy of your soul, let's give it our all this week! I promise it will.
**Angel's Baptism ๐Ÿฅน / Rubencito the return missionary goat!**

**We got the nicest house in the mission!**

**Cazador y las Hamburguesas ๐Ÿคฃ / Hunter Zonked / BIG Costco Day ๐Ÿ‘€**

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