Monday, September 2, 2024

Alex mail 09-02-2024: "Back in Popular!!"


What is uppppp happy September everyone!! Hope everyone is doing great and those who are back in school are having a blast! Shoutout to all my Dawgs in xc hopefully ya’ll aren't dying in the heat haha. 😅  It was a super great week, Elder Hunter and I are just out here grinding! We've seen a ton of miracles, but hey what else would you expect in the Lord's work? He really just is the best!😁

This week I got to go back on exchanges to Popular with my dawg, Elder Nielson! It was so trippy being back in my old area, I feel like I never left, hahaha, but it was awesome! We were able to teach some really awesome lessons with some of their friends over there and it was just awesome to see my boy Elder Nielson cook - and just kill it over there in Popular! Super fun to catch up and to just have a ton of fun together.  Definitely made me reflect on all the amazing experiences I've had on the mission and in life in general! Don't take those moments for granted, no matter how small they may be.  In the end those are the ones that matter the most! We were also able to meet a ton of super awesome people over there.  So cool to see the Lord directing us as we just strive to give our best.  I promise he'll do the same for you too!!

Elder Hunter and I also got to go to Aguascalientes this week for a meeting! First time I've been back to Aguas since December to get my Visa, hahaha, but it was awesome! Definitely weird to not be super familiar with the city, like I am with San Luis now, haha, but it was super cool! The meeting was awesome, we learned a ton about how to be better leaders from President and Hermana Webb, got to see my “Pops,” Elder Sanchez, and my “Grandpa” Elder Ramsay, right before he goes home.  To top it all off, we had some bombbbb food from Hermana Webb, you already know she chefs-up, hahaha! The only tough part was the busses being delayed like 2 hours each way, so travel time turned into 5 hours instead of 3, haha but in the words of Elder Hunter, "it's all good-baby we ain't phased!!" 😂  Definitely a super spiritual trip though, and just so grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow so much here in the mission!

To finish it all off, I just want to share my testimony of miracles! I can't even describe it, but I am so grateful for the amazing miracles I have been able to see daily as a missionary! From being able to teach amazing families, free rides to the church, free food one day 🤯  and even those clutch moments of clouds when it's a million degrees outside haha!  I can truly testify that there are miracles around us daily! I hope that one of the biggest lessons I've learned by the end of my mission is how to keep recognizing those miracles for the rest of my life! Because those miracles don't just come because I'm a missionary, it is a promise we have when we are simply trying our best to be disciples of Christ! I promise that if you will just give your best effort each day and pray to have eyes to see those miracles, you will!

Love you all and have a fantastic week, it's gonna be a great one!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: San Judos (Mosquitos) yeahhhh it's Mosquito season they're the worst hahaha, don't worry though Elder Hunter and I have figured out the best way of killing them is flicking a towel, try it out 😏👀  

Invitation of the Month: PREACH MY GOSPEL!! Ohhh yeahhhh that's right! A lot of people think that Preach My Gospel is only a handbook for missionaries, but if you notice the front says "A Guide for Sharing The Gospel" and that means all of us! This month I invite you all to diligently study Preach My Gospel, but most importantly, put it into practice! I promise it will change your life!!


**Elder Ramsey 🐐/ OG Whiteboy district/ Grandpa, pops, and me**

**PanTortas/ Las mil tortas with Nielson 🥺/ Chaskafrutas**

**Dr Simi (pharmacy mascot from member lol)/ Grantham the tank**

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