Monday, April 22, 2024

Alex mail 04-22-2024: "QUE MILAGROS!!"


How we doing everybodyyyy? Hope the week was a great one for you guys! This week has been so awesome and one full of miracles! We've definitely seen the Lord's hand every single day in this great work magnifying our efforts! I love being a missionary it's such a blessing to see the Lord accomplishing His work right on the frontlines! Let's jump right in!

On Wednesday we went to visit our boy Jose and Elder Nielson and I talked before about trying to potentially put a baptismal date but knew he still had some questions, and so we decided to just trust the Spirit and if it felt right, send it haha. We walked into the lesson and asked if there was anything specific he wanted to talk about or had questions about and he said "yeah actually, what does the baptismal process look like? Because I want to get baptized"!! Both mine and Elder Nielson's jaws hit the floor haha. It was such an unforgettable experience and a huge testament that the Lord truly is accomplishing His work! We were able to finish teaching him the principles, answer any questions, and schedule his baptism for this upcoming Sunday with his cousin who's turning 8! If you don't mind please keep Jose in your prayers that everything will go smoothly this week leading up to that special day!

We had a ton of opportunities to give blessings and even dedicate a house this week with some members who are going through some rough times. I'm so grateful for the priesthood and I have a very strong testimony that it truly is the power of God here on the earth today! If you are struggling at all in any way and just feel like you need some heavenly help, ask for a priesthood blessing! I promise Heavenly Father is just waiting to pour out all of the blessings he has in store for us when we show faith in Him!

We had a miracle find this week, Elder Nielson and I stopped at a little store to buy some bananas and while we were walking all of a sudden these perfectly green bananas one by one start breaking and falling to the ground. While we're trying to pick them all up, a random guy driving by stops, gives us a bag, and helps us pick them up. He then asked us if we were missionaries and after explaining what we do, he tried to buy a Book of Mormon from us. He was on top of the world when we gave him one for free and we're super hopeful we'll be able to start teaching him soon! Definitely some divine intervention hahaha!

Had another great lesson with Alejandro and Tita! They're such a sweet couple and full of so much light! I loved seeing how much joy and understanding came into their life as we were able to review the restoration and help them understand why there are so many churches today and why we believe we are truly the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth today! 

Finally, probably one of the biggest miracles of the week was our lesson with my dawg Willy!! He was a reference from my boys in Industrias (shoutout to Horoba and Dominguez the goats), and he's from Haiti! We learned that he's here in San Luis working to try and bring his family over as well and speaks 4 Languages (Creole, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and is learning English). Also, shoutout to my boy Elder Sainsbury - might need him to teach me a little Creole haha! Willy already has some of the strongest faith I've seen and was just so quick to accept everything we taught him about the Book of Mormon and the restoration! The Spirit was so strong and we've got high hopes we'll be able to help him progress towards making covenants with his Heavenly Father! 

I think those are the biggest highlights from the week! As I've learned this week, remember that there truly are miracles in every single moment of every single day! Choose to look for them and I promise the Lord will bless you immensely! Love you all and have an amazing week! 

Love Elder McDonald

P.S. For P-day today you already know Elder Nielson, Elder Whitaker, and I all got Costco memberships 😏 😂. Only 250 pesos for the next year (like $12-15 US dollars) definitely the most adult purchase I've ever made 😂.

Word of the Week: Plátano (Plantains/Bananas) we had fried Plantains this week with a member and oh man were they good, definitely a favorite dessert here

Invitation of the Month: INSPIRED QUESTIONS!! How has studying been going with questions in mind! I've seen so much more spiritual guidance from the Holy Ghost not just in my studies but also in our lessons, the spirit is always the real teacher!

**Worlds fattest dog / Gotta be one of the best dulces here!/ Pumpkin homi**

**Costco Ganggggg**

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