Monday, April 29, 2024

Alex mail 04-29-2024: "El Bautismo de Jose Cruz!"


What is upppp everyone?? How was the week? Whether it was absolutely amazing or the worst of the worst, we've got a fresh start so let's get after it this week! Hope you all are doing well though! Miss y'all tons but man I love being a missionary it's just the best! 😁  Obviously the highlight of the week was the baptism of our boy Jose Cruz!

Baptisms are always a little bit stressful trying to get everything done on time the week leading up to it haha but luckily everything went pretty smoothly! He's so awesome and like I mentioned last week the change I've seen in him over the last 2 months teaching him has been so amazing! He's grown from someone just semi interested into someone who truly loves the gospel and is so grateful for his Savior! His testimony at his baptism was super special and we hope in the future he'll be able to serve as a missionary too! He was baptized with his 8 year old cousin yesterday after church which worked out perfect because like all the ward pulled up πŸ˜‚  . The room was crazy packed ya love to see it! And luckily we didn't have green water this time 🀣. Definitely so rewarding and special to help people make covenants with their Heavenly father and bring them back to him! These are the moments that make the tough parts of missionary work so worth it!

We gotta do exchanges this week and I stayed here in popular with my dawg Elder Whitaker! Dude is actually such a stud he's got the same time in the mission as Nielson and I and we just had a ton of fun! This day was also the first time in my entire mission (almost 9 months), where literally every single lesson and contact fell through πŸ’€πŸ˜‚. We were itching to teach so bad but we made the most of it and didn't let it affect our work ethic at all! We ended up meeting some really cool people on the street and we just started teaching and testifying with every single person we talked to! I learned a ton from him, especially how I can be more personal and loving in talking to everyone and random strangers, they're all God's children! Always love exchanges and don't worry Whitaker and I got a feeling we'll be comps eventually so stay tuned πŸ‘€ 😎.

Elder Nielson and I really are shifting our focus with being straight up and super bold with everyone we meet and teach! Now that we are a lot more comfortable with Spanish we've realized that we've gotta do all we can to bring God's children back home to Him! It's been amazing to see that when we let go of fear and just be confident, bold, loving, and direct with people we're seeing miracles! This work is too important to casually sit back and go through the motions! And that goes for all of us, not just missionaries!! It's time to stop letting fear and Satan get in the way of bringing God's children unto him and preparing the world for Christ's return. Start living, talking, teaching, testifying, and breathing the gospel you know to be true and I promise greater blessings and miracles than you could ever imagine will come into your life!

I love you guys tons and hope you have an amazing week! Always reach out if you need anything at all, I'd love to pray for ya and help in any way I can! Remember you're never going at it alone! You guys are amazing, keep smiling and love every single day! Que les vaya bien!

 P.S. we've got zone conference this next Friday with Elder Montoya from the 70!! He's the area president for this part of Mexico so stay tuned you already know its gonna be awesome πŸ‘€πŸ‘€  Con mucho amor, Elder McDonald

 Word of the Week: Temporada de GΓΌeritos (White boy season πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚) This doesn't really translate to Spanish lol but we've started referring to ourselves in the all white district as "white boy season" haha

 Invitation of the Month: INSPIRED QUESTIONS!! Last week of the month! Let's finish strong and receive some good personal revelation! This week I want to focus on taking questions to zone conference to better receive revelation, what would happen if we started taking questions to every meeting, like sacrament meeting every Sunday??

*Jose's baptism!*

*Exchange with my boy Whitaker / Squirrel with Vans​/ Dope graffiti*

*Barber did my boy dirty/ Just your average bouncy castle in the church #welcometomexico / sus enchiladas*

*White boy season* 

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