Monday, January 29, 2024

Alex Mail 1-29-2024: "Same Area, New Comp!"


What's good everyoneeeeee!! Hope you all had a super fun week! This week was pretty crazy, we had a lot going on with transfers! We found out Tuesday night that Elder Sanchez was leaving to head to Aguascalientes and I'd be staying in Industrias! It's kinda funny, Elder Sanchez is now with Elder Horoba my MTC comp! But anyway, my new companion is Elder Dominguez and he's super awesome! He's from Dallas, Texas and is just like 2 months ahead of me in the mission.  His parents are both Mexican so he speaks super good Spanish! We're both pretty similar and it's nice to have someone who speaks fluent English but also is solid in Spanish! I'm super hyped for this transfer it's gonna be a good one!

Tuesday had one of the most wild lessons on my mission so far 😂. We were trying to teach our friend Tania but all at once during the lesson we had: a huge iguana on the loose in the house, 2 screaming toddlers, Tania's sister yelling at the toddlers, a crazy grandma trying to ask us questions about the Book of Revelation, and a crazy loud wood-saw in the background😂.  Let's just say I wasn't able to understand anything in Spanish and Sanchez had to carry for a bit 😂 but it ended up being a really good spiritual lesson by the end, so that was good!

Wednesday was my last full day with Elder Sánchez and we had an awesome lesson with our friend Gavi! She and her kids have been meeting with the missionaries for a while but this lesson we talked about baptism and she expressed a big desire to be baptized! We were able to set a date as a goal for her in a month and a half so hopefully we can keep helping her progress towards that special day! 

Thursday I spent the morning at the bus station dropping Sanchez off and waiting for Dominguez to arrive. After he got here we went out to the area and got to work! The rest of the week was mostly showing him around the area, introducing him to friends and ward members, and trying to just contact as many people as we could in public!

While it was pretty stressful at first, leading out the area haha, I actually saw so many miracles and the Lord helped me out a ton! It's been amazing to see how he's able to do his work through imperfect 19-year-olds, as we've just tried our best to give our all and trust in Him! I've been able to see that my Spanish is actually a lot better than I was giving myself credit for and I know that this is all because of my Savior's help! While it can definitely be scary at times to turn it all over completely to Him, I testify that as we trust in Him, He will not let us down nor leave us alone! He will always deliver!

Love you all and so grateful for all the prayers, love, and support it means the world! Hope you guys have a super awesome week and feel free to reach out anytime at all! Hasta luego!!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Planchar (To Chastise/Rebuke, To Iron) I love this word it's so funny to me that it's both to Chastise and to iron something 😂 people say it all the time and it makes me laugh a little every time.

Invitation of the Month: 30 Day Fast!! 

I know it's a little early, but I wanted to get it in before fast Sunday in February! This is something I heard about in DC and that I just started doing along with their mission! The main point is this upcoming fast Sunday, I invite you all to fast and pray with the desire to know of something that's poking at your spirit or keeping you from having the companionship of the Holy Ghost with you always! And then when you know what that is, write it down and covenant with the Lord to change for the next 30 days! Ask for His help every single morning and then reflect on how you did at night, and then change and improve the next day! I testify to you that if you will take this challenge seriously, it will change your life and invite so many blessings into your life! I'll attach the photos of the talk it’s based on below it's not too long so give it a read! You guys got this the Lord is waiting to bless every single one of us!

**New Comp Elder Dominguez!**

**Gorilla on a roof/Chick-Fil-A Sauce Hotdogs/ Oreo Donuts **

**Goodbye to Sanchez**

Monday, January 22, 2024

Alex mail 1-22-2024: "Don't Eat Liquor Chocolates!"


Howdy howdy how's everyone doing?? Hope you guys have all had a fantastic week! And if not I hope this week will be a lot better for you! Keep your head up and keep smiling! I heard it's been snowing a ton back home so enjoy it for me I'm jealous of all those snow days! This week we have transfers and we'll find out what's happening tomorrow! Crazy that I'm already done with my first transfer in Mexico it's gone by really quick! Just like all the mission haha but anyway here's the highlights from the week!

We've been grindinggg in the streets this week haha we did a ton of walking but it was worth it we saw a lot of miracles! On Tuesday we got to go to a new part of our area called Los Lagos that neither Sanchez nor I had been to We had a really cool lesson with our friend Ariel and taught him about the Book of Mormon! It's definitely a trip to get out there but it'll be so worth it if we can help him progress! On the way back home we had a miracle find with our new friend Cesear! His son is actually a member in our ward we didn't realize, haha, but we taught him about the Book of Mormon too and he loved it! So cool to see how the Spirit was directing us even though we didn't realize it at first!

Had another lesson with Esther this week and taught about the Plan of Salvation! It was really cool and the Spirit was super strong! It's my favorite to help people realize that they can live with their families for eternity, even after this life, especially when family is such a big deal her! Also had a lesson with Manuel from Uber and this dude is such a legend! He has loved everything we've taught him so far and wants he and his family to keep learning more! The only problem is he has to work a ton so he hasn't been able to come to church yet but, keep him in your prayers if you don't mind, because he really wants to!

Member meals continued to not disappoint this week! I think I ate the most amount of tacos I've ever eaten in one sitting this week 😂 not much you can do when they just keep whipping 'em up and they're super delicious haha. The title for this week is a pretty funny story from a member meal too haha. One day we visited a member real quick and they gave us chocolates and we ate 'em real quick not even thinking about it. However a few days later at a member meal I saw a chocolate I had eaten and told Elder Sanchez these ones were super good. He looked at me super weird and was like "Elder, this chocolate is made with liquor" 💀🤣   Let's just say I didn't even realize, and I was so confused why a member had given it to me hahaha. It literally just tasted like normal chocolate and nothing happened, so we're chillin' but it was definitely a hilarious moment haha. Now I know, be careful everyone don't accidentally eat liquor chocolate 😂 .

We had interviews with President on Friday which was so awesome as usual! I'm so grateful for President Webb and his example to me he is such an amazing man and leader! Super grateful for both Mission Presidents I've had, and the opportunity to talk with them 1-on-1 each transfer, and learn from them.  It's always really special! Also found a fireee bakery in our area that sells huge doughnuts for like $.60 US cents so let's just say, if I stay in this area I'll be hittin' that place up a lot next transfer 😂  

Church was awesome on Sunday! I've really grown to love church while on the mission, it's such a highlight of the week to be able to just slow down and focus on the Savior and be strengthened by the amazing members here! I invite you guys to really work to put an emphasis on making church special each week, I've definitely seen my relationship grow with my Savior because of it, and I've seen so many more miracles throughout the week and I know you guys will too! Love you all thanks for all the amazing support, love, and prayers it makes such a difference and I couldn't do this work without ya'll! Keep doing good and as always feel free to reach out if you need anything at all! Peace-out, see ya'll next week!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: La Gripa (The Cold) I heard this one a lot this week apparently it's cold season here too a lot of people are sick haha, it's funny the word gripa sounds a lot worse than what it actually is 😂 

Invitation of the Month: CHRISTLIKE ATTRIBUTES! How's the month been going so far? Any cool experiences or miracles you guys have seen from striving to be a little more like Christ? I'd love to hear about it if you guys have! And remember it's never too late to start! The Lord loves effort and each day all we need to do is strive to be a little more like him! We got this!

*Mexicoooooo /Poptarts my favoriteeee*

*Mexican Pillsbury doughboy /Bluey Cake*

*Fire & crazy cheap donut /Famous San Luis Enchiladas*

Monday, January 15, 2024

Alex mail 1-15-2024: "Gimme that green card!"


Gimme that green card!

Hi everyoneeeee! Hope ya’ll are all doing great and had an awesome week! This week I finally became a legal Mexican resident 😂  just kidding I was already legal but I got my residency green card for the year which is nice to have! We had to go into Aguascalientes for a few days for it which was an adventure! And even though we had a few less days in our area we were still able to have some awesome lessons and see some really cool miracles!

Had a lesson with our new friend Esther this week and she's amazing! She has 7 kids living with her but she's super excited to learn and we were able to talk about how the gospel has been restored and can bless our families! We also taught her about how we can truly talk with our Heavenly Father through prayer which was super cool to help her understand! Her family runs a taco, Quesadilla, and Gordita (fried Quesadillas) stand, and she took us over and gave us free food which was soooo good! The food has not been disappointing I'm loving it! The members and people here are taking good care of us its awesome!

Had another awesome lesson with our friend Julissa! She's so awesome and told us she's ready and excited to be baptized! We taught about the restoration and had a really spiritual talk about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, so cool! She's so awesome and I'm so inspired by her faith and desire to come closer to Christ!

Wednesday we actually had a member after lunch take us over to some of her extended family to do a quick lesson which was sick! These ladies were ramblerssss though I think Elder Sanchez and I said maybe 4 sentences the entire lesson 😂  but super cool to have that experience with a member, member referrals are the best! After the lesson we headed for the bus station in San Luis and took the 3-hour bus ride to Aguascalientes! The bus was actually super nice which was awesome to just chill for a bit and relax. When we got to Aguas we met up with the other missionaries and stayed with the mission secretaries. There were 11 of us in this one house and let's just say it was crazy crowded but super fun haha!

The next day was a grindddd tho haha. Got to the immigration office at 8:30 in the morning and saw my boy Elder Horoba! Super good to catch up with him! But then after that we sat around the office waiting for 8 hours 😭  if you thought the DMV in the US was slow, the Mexican government is so much worse, it was horrible. And then at 3:30 in the afternoon they came and told us we would have to come back the next day because they didn't have time 😭  even though there were 5 workers and no one else, but us hahaha. All good though got a ton of studies in and Elder Sánchez and I were able to have a really good phone-call with our friend Manuel about faith and the importance of church that night!

Next day we went back and waited for another 3 hours and then finally got my appointment! It was seriously like 5 minutes haha took my picture, got fingerprinted, and then signed some stuff but at least now I have my card! After Elder Sanchez and I went to a fireeee taco restaurant and then hopped on a bus back to San Luis! Definitely a crazy few days of traveling but glad that it all worked out! That night we had an awesome family home evening with a family in our ward and played Columbian sorry and had Columbian Quesadillas which were sooo good!

Saturday had the opportunity to give 2 blessings to some friends and giving blessings is my favorite! You can always feel the Spirit so strongly and so much of Heavenly Father's love for his children! I'm so grateful to live when God's Priesthood authority has been restored, to be worthy to hold it, and have it bless my life and the lives of others! We also were able to go to a baptism for our Zone Leaders and our friend Julissa came! So awesome that she could come and see what a baptism is like and she's so excited for hers! Hopefully within the next month or so!

Church was awesome on Sunday we were able to have a few friends come and I'm amazed at people's faith and willingness to come and see! I love the Spirit we can feel during church and I'm definitely trying to make the Sacrament and church each Sunday such a special part of my week, I invite ya’ll to do the same!

And last but not least... I GOT A GUITAR! I'm super excited big shout out to my amazing parents who got me such an awesome birthday gift! I'll throw some pics in down at the bottom don't worry 😏 

I hope you all have a fantastic week! You guys are all so awesome and I'm so grateful for all the love and support I receive! You all help me so much more than you could ever know and so if you need anything at all don't be afraid to reach out, I gotch-u and I know our Savior has got you too! Love ya’ll see ya next week!

Con mucho amor, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Guitarra (Guitar!) Had to do it haha if you've got any tips for me send ‘em my way!

Invitation of the Month: CHRISTLIKE ATTRIBUTES! This week I want to focus on hope! I listened to a great talk by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland and he talked about how even though there is so many crazy things in the world today, we can still have so much hope for a brighter future because of our savior Jesus Christ! How can you exercise more hope this week?

**Gimme that Green Card**

**Amazing food / Planchitas Restaurant**

**Columbian "Sorry Game" / $1.50 Huge Ice Cream / My dawg Elder Horoba / Mermaidman & Barnacle Boy!**

**La Guitarra 🔥"

Monday, January 8, 2024

#missionnotes #6


Alex mail 01-08-2024: "Gift of Tongues"


What up what upppp everyone!! Hope you guys have had an awesome week! Ours flew by here but it was a super solid week with a lot of miracles and cool moments!

I'm super excited to get to study the book of Mormon this year along with come follow me! I love this book and I'm so grateful for the power and peace it brings into my life! I've definitely noticed a difference when I study every day and am super excited to devote so much focus to it this year! I invite ya’ll to really dive in and gain a witness for yourselves of the power of this book every day this year!

We had another lesson with Tania on Tuesday, and she's been keeping the Word of Wisdom! She said she hasn't drunken coffee and has actually really liked giving it up and seen a difference in her life! Miracles are real people! Super cool to see people willing to make sacrifices to follow Christ and come closer to him! Now hopefully we can help her and Jose get married and then they'll be ready for baptism!

Wednesday we had one of my best lessons in Spanish I think I've had yet! It was such a testimony to me that the Gift of Tongues is real! Right before the lesson the thought came to my mind "Alex, you're about to see a miracle" and from that point on I was just excited and decided I'd give it my all with Spanish! The lesson was with our friend Julissa and her husband who's a member but she's not. It was so cool I understood almost all of what was going on, was able to actually ask questions and hold a conversation with them and share scriptures and testify based on what they had said! We taught her about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and were able to set a baptismal date for her at the beginning of March! She's super awesome and so ready and it was just such a testament to me that the Spirit is the real teacher and has the power to help me even in another language!

I had my birthday on Thursday and it was a super awesome day! Got some money-steak quesadillas, my comp got me a delicious cake, and I got to call and talk to my family which was really special! Also apparently a tradition here in Mexico is to have your face slammed in a piece of cake on your birthday so that was fun 😂  it was super funny and definitely will be a good memory! Thanks to everyone who sent so much love and support I really felt a ton of love and you all made it an awesome day for me so thank you!

On Friday Elder Sanchez got bit by a dog while we were trying to contact a lady in the street 😳  luckily it was a pet and not a stray and it was a tiny little wiener-dog so he just kicked it off 😂  and luckily he's fine nothing bad happened but super random and funny. We also had a lesson with our friend Diego! He's 9 years old and his dad has been a member for a long time and his mom has been a member for about a year! He's a super awesome and hopefully we'll be able to baptize him soon! He really likes the church and wants to get baptized we just basically need to teach him and help him build his own testimony, they're a super awesome family! Also, got to try Rosca de los Reyes with them which is the round bread with the baby Jesus hidden inside😂  honestly the bread wasn't that great but it was fun to be part of the tradition!

Fast Sunday is a little different here, because the main meal is in the afternoon around 3PM we start fasting Saturday afternoon after that meal and then go until 2-3 on Sunday afternoon when we have the next big meal! Definitely a little different than the states but it was cool! Something my sister shared with me that I really focused on this week was fasting not just for blessings I want, but to show God my faith in Him and my desire to align my will with His! It was really cool and I invite ya’ll to do so too! Love you all and hope you guys have an amazing and fun week! Nos vemos!

Love, Elder McDonald

Word of the Week: Boliche (Bowling) more of a just for fun word this week haha but bowling is actually pretty big here! It's a pretty common P-day thing here which is cool!

Invitation of the Month: CHRISTLIKE ATTRIBUTES! How did week one go? This week I'm going to really focus on patience and Charity and love! You guys got this be patient with yourselves and just try to improve a little bit each day! 

**Fire Bday Quesadillas / Flaming Bday Cake**

**Drip Pinata / Turtle @ member's house**

**Beautiful sunsets / Famous Banners**

Monday, January 1, 2024

Alex mail 1-1-2024: " Feliz Año!"

Feliz Año!

Happy New year everyoneeee!! Hope you all had an awesome New Year’s eve yesterday! Ours was super fun and it was really cool to experience the Mexican culture during this holiday season! This week went by pretty quick but we had some fun times and cool moments! I feel like I'm starting to get into the groove of things here and definitely starting to feel more adjusted! Super cool to see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's help and love each day and I'm so grateful that they are with me every day! I also know that they are willing and want to be with each one of you every step of the way as well, choose to let them in and see their miracles each day!

Elder Sánchez was sick a few days this week so we spent a little more time at home so he could rest but I was still able to get some really good studies in and take some time to just slow down, ponder, and be taught by the Spirit! I really learned this week there's a lot of power in slowing down and making a diligent effort to connect with the Spirit, our Heavenly Father, and Savior Jesus Christ! This is something I definitely want to incorporate more into my studies each day and I invite you guys to do the same! Take time to breathe, reset, and focus on what Heavenly Father wants to tell you!

 Had some really awesome member meals this week! I'm super amazed each day at the faith and generosity of the people here! It's so awesome to see how strong the faith of our members is and how willing they are to help us out in any way they can in missionary work! We had some amazing food, and it is just so awesome and fun to hear people's background and life stories!

Another tough week of visiting people because of the holidays and most people are gone traveling, but we've continued to put an emphasis on trying to talk to everyone we see, and we've continued to meet some really cool people and see miracles! It's been a huge testament to me that the Spirit will do the work if we're just willing to open our mouth and try!

We were able to have some really cool phone-call lessons though this week! One that really stood out was with our friend Raul! He was a referral but the first call we had with him he was super enthusiastic to learn, and we had a great talk about baptism! And then he came to church on Sunday! Super cool to see people take that big step of faith and just come and see!

   Another cool lesson was with our friend Tania! She really wants to get baptized but she and her boyfriend Jose just gotta get married first haha. We had a great talk about the word of wisdom and the blessings that come from it and she really liked it! She said she was going to give up coffee for the week to give it a try and Sánchez even promised to give up his favorite coca cola with her 😂 it seriously is an addiction for people here haha it's so funny!

And then Sunday was a super fun New Year’s eve! We had a great combined sacrament meeting again just like last week and then we were invited over to 3 member houses for food! Let's just say I think I ate the most amount of food I've ever eaten in a day it was wild haha. All of it was super good though, my personal favorite was carne-asada tacos at our Bishop's house! Then we watched as literally everyone lit off fireworks that started at like 5 and went all night long. The fireworks are definitely not as big in the sky but they're a lot louder here than they are in the states haha. It was a super fun day though, super cool to experience the culture and have so much fun with some awesome families in our ward!

Can't believe we're already to 2024! Time has been flying by but I'm super grateful for this beginning of the new year to recommit as a missionary and disciple of Christ! Being a missionary has definitely been one of the hardest things I've ever done but without a doubt has already been the most rewarding! I'm so grateful for the opportunity to grow my faith, love, and patience and above all strengthen my relationship with my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ! I invite you all to set some meaningful goals for this year, ones that will push you but help you become more like our Savior! I know you'll be blessed for it and receive help and power every step of the way! Love you all and have a fantastic week! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 🥳🥳 

Love, Elder McDonald

 Word of the Week: Que Padre (That's so cool) Don't ask me why but for some reason Padre (which means dad) also means cool here 😂 

Invitation of the Month: CHRISTLIKE ATTRIBUTES! Seeing how it's a new year and a time most people set goals, I invite you all to choose one or two Christlike attributes to develop each week this month! Ask in prayer what are some attributes you can work to develop this week and then act in faith! I promise blessings will come as we work to become more like our savior! 

**Walt Disney Pizza Truck?/Horses in the park**

**Super old Fornite arcade game /Normal Mexico Street /Axolotl peso drip /Bomb tacos**